
Homeschooling- Help- how can i get help to get funds for a computer/laptop?

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I am going to get home schooled, well actually online high school, at ashworth. How can i get funds for a computer or laptop? Is there any programs that the state or computer company could work with me?

have bad credit so ya

i have my aunts computer for online but i would like my own

any ideas?




  1. Ignore that first **** who answered you. He/she must be feeling awefully jealous that he never recieved a decent education from the public schools he reluctantly pays so much money to the government for.

    I'd look into organizations like Lions Club or Good Will or an Elks Club that might be willing to donate an old computer or provide funding for one. You could also see if there are any homeschool support groups or co-ops in your area who would possibly either help you start a fund raiser for one or could point you to someone who has one they can lend you. You can also start a fund raiser of your own, or see about buying or renting an older, less expensive computer that will at least get the job done. If all else fails, there is always the public library.

  2. Get a job. And yes, places do set up instalment plans for purchasing computers. But the government isn't going to help you.

  3. You have bad credit already?  

    Get a part-time job and save up.  You can get a computer for pretty cheap nowadays if you find a good deal.  

    Until you save up, use your aunt's computer.  There are lots of students who would like to have a computer but don't have one that they even have access to besides at the library so count your blessings.  

    You could also ask the online high school if they have any suggestions.  If it is a publicly funded program for online education, they may have some discretionary money for such things, but it is a long shot.

  4. OHHHI! I love this! You want to go off the grid but you still want that sweet government money somehow, right? I love libertarian whack-jobs who want to "make the big statement" but still want their "gument programs" to come through for them.

    That being said, why not pray for one? I'm sure Jesus will a Kaypro your way.

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