
Homeschooling MOMS! Have you read this?

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This is a Secular Homeschooler's Wish List

It is so true & funny!!

I love it! I am thinking of printing it out & sharing it with close-minded ones or the shallow thinkers on the subject!!




  1. My wife and I both read it. Good call!

  2. My wife and I read it. We agree totally with the author. We'll probably save it and share it with other people (especially people who ask all sorts of nosy questions).

  3. Oh my gosh, I'm not a parent but I was home schooled until 4th grade (and I wish I still was). That is hilarious and so true!

    I just wish I would have known about this a few weeks ago when my psychology teacher found out that I used to be home schooled. He kept slamming negative comments about home schooling in my face, I wish I could have slammed this in his face ;) that evil and mean? Probably, but I can't deny that he was making me go crazy with all his false accusations and the fact that he didn't listen to my opinions and only wanted his thoughts heard made me even angrier. Anyway I'm rambling so I think I will stop now.

  4. Wow.

  5. Outstanding!

    Kudos for sharing this... and don't forget us other homeschooling "moms" who are actually dads!

    Can I add one to the list about this?

    Sort of: Don't assume that mom is the homeschool teacher you might hurt dad's feelings.

    No problem.  In our area support group there is a "moms night out" where the moms get together and talk about stuff - homeschooling I guess.  I am one of only two homeschooling dads in our area and I have "threatened" to pull a Mrs. Doubtfire on them and show up at their meetings!

    Homeschooling dad meaning the primary teacher...

    Thumbs down? I guess someone either: 1) doesn't like homeschool dads; or doesn't like the idea of me dressing like Mrs. Doubtfire and showing up at mom's night out....

    By the way: We incorporate faith into our education but I applaud any family that takes responsibility for educating their children - secular or any faith.

  6. Love it!!!!!  Thanks so much for sharing this.  That pretty much sums it all up, huh?!  We will also be passing it along.

  7. Deborah Markus is a *great* homeschooling mom, active on several lists. If you can, please support Secular Homeschooling Magazine by subscribing (or buying a single copy, of course!) Those of you who are secular homeschoolers know how hard it can be for us sometimes to find curricula and resources.

  8. Oh this is GREAT-we ARE "religious" ;-P and I thought this hit the nail on the head

  9. This isn't the first time I've seen it but I love it. So funny. If anyone says anything bad about homeschooling just hand them the list.

  10. I'm not a "secular" homeschooler, but yep, that pretty much says what many of us homeschoolers think, no matter what reasons we have for homeschooling!! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Yes I read it. It was funny, and true even for homeschoolers who wouldn't classify themselves as secular.

  12. LOL!  I tried to find something like this a while ago and couldn't. Okay it was after I e-mailed the "you know you're a heartmum when..." list to pretty much everyone I know...if anyone here is and wants a good laugh at the daft things they do that, to them, are perfectly normal behaviours.

    Reading the Homeschoolers Wish List, I especially loved the bit that goes: "I don't see much difference between bossing my kid around academically and bossing him around the way I do about everything else". ROFLMAO! *THAT* could have so easily been written by my mum - except, bizarrely for her, school is the one and only thing, over which, she doesn't bother bossing us about.

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