
Homeschooling Q.. PLEASE!!

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what do you think of homeschooling? should i be homeschooled for 8th grade? are there any bad things about it? any good?





  1. Contrary to popular belief, public schooling is NOT for everyone.  Also, homeschooling is not for everyone, either.

    It is true that you do sound a little lazy -- don't want to get up, don't want to do presentations.  But then again, not everybody is a morning person, and personally, my blood does not circulate until 10am, regardless what time I get up or how much coffee I have.  You might be one of those people who "blossoms" later in the day and works well when everybody else (who got up at 6) is exhausted.  Homeschool can allow you to find your own best work rhythm.

    But you do have to work!  It's true that homeschooling is not all "sunshine and roses" -- roses need fertilizer and they have thorns  BUT those homeschoolers who take standardized tests usually average between 80-90th percentile, as compared with public school average at the 50th percentile and private school at about 70-80th.  That's not to say that all homeschoolers do that well, or that all public schoolers don't -- but just "on average".  And the longer they homeschool, the better they come out.  Colleges actually actively recruit homeschoolers because they generally know how to organize their time and their priorities better than public schoolers, and they have independent study skills that public schoolers sometimes don't.  The outcome of your education is up to you, whichever method of learning you use.

    As far as the socializing, lots of homeschooled people are better socialized -- by that I mean, they know the rules and mores of adult society -- than most public school teens.  And as far as being sociable, join a homeschool support group.  Depending on the group, they might have group classes and activities, dances, sports teams, clubs, all kinds of stuff.  And you'll be free to take after-school and evening classes in the community that public school kids may not have because they're tied down with homework -- since all a homeschooler's work is "home" work, they can do it on whatever schedule works for them.

    SO!  Examine your motives.  If you're just being a pouty lazy brat, go back to public and learn to get along.  If you're really more concerned with your education, maybe you're a homeschool candidate.

  2. Some of the brightest students are home schooled. Some things to consider are sports, dances, other extra curricular stuff and PE. Also, your parent and you must be very dedicated or else you will fall behind. I work at a school and have seen some students who really struggle because they have been home schooled. Perhaps you could share why you are interested in home schooling.

  3. You will be stereotype alot but that’s about it. Don’t bother with people saying you will lack social needs.

    If your respectful/suck up to your authority figures that you are good for the rest of your life.

  4. I pretty much agree with what the others have said. Homeschooling is what you make of it. If it's not working well for you, it's your fault. That's a good thing. When things are your fault, you have the power to change them. If you want to homeschool, you need to work out a plan that suits your parents. If you can't, they aren't going to let you homeschool. Go and do some research. I'll be you don't even know what sort of education you want. "A good one" isn't much of an answer.

  5. just as Thrill said, there are some things that you will lack in, if you are homeschooled, and believe it or not, your going to totally miss out socially, on that opportunity. That can hurt you too in the long run..

    To be perfectly honest with you, you sound like you're lazy. I know you don't want to hear that, but its true. you're not thinking it through, thoroughly enough. There is a reason that they make you wake up that early; it is to train you for real life, the world that lies ahead of you, after you leave the nest, and real life, pounces on you, claws out, and ready to eat you alive. You simply cannot make it in the real world without being about to wake up early, and work a real job, someday you'll need those skills that you would be learning at a real school to apply to you life. Homeschooling, unless its absolutely necessary, (which in your case, clearly it is not) is a cop out of real life, and experience your actually robbing yourself of. right now, in your young mind, you think you have it all figured out, but one day honey, life is going to knock on your front door, and take you, drag you, kicking and screaming out into its endless need to do everything you can to be ready for that. You're robbing yourself, and you will likely not be able to stay ahead with your assignments, due to the fact that you will constantly say "i'll do it later!" homeschooling IS NOT easy. you probably heard about from someone, but unless your totally committed, your going to end up repeating the 8th grade,  because you simply didn't take the time to get up everyday, and go to school like everyone else (your age) in the world does...i know what i'm saying might sound harsh, but I am only telling you this the way I'm telling you, because its true. I graduated in 98; I saw friends of mine, drop out of school, because of homeschooling, because they got too far behind, and gave up, and couldn't graduate with their classes, and they were don't want that, or need that in your life, do you? ask yourself if its really worth it? and you obviously think very highly of yourself with that attitude of "guys being all over you", is your fall back plan trying to find a "rich guy" to take care of you, and give you money??? I PROMISE you honey, rich guys, or for that matter, and sane normal guy does not want a lazy girl, who wants to sleep untill noon, who shrugs off responsiblities, left and right for a girlfriend or a wife. That plan is going not take you anywhere else besides the welfare line in the end...or the streets. Don't put yourself into that situation. You have a chance now, and ONLY ONE to life you life, and live it right...its yours to ruin, or yours to rule and make beautiful.

    don't lose the opportunity of your life all because you didn't want to wake up at 6am..

    Step up to bat, in your own life, and don't put the responsibility of teaching you on your parents, and for Heavens sakes, QUIT blaming your personal problems on the excuse of "the teacher doesn't like me", or you "don't get along with your teachers"....that is lame, and it is a big fat excuse. I know you dont want to hear this, but the truth is, I hope you've read every line of this, and it snapped some good sense into you, because you need it..your getting caught up in the wrong mindset totally..

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