
Homeschooling U.S. History?

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I bought an AP review book for U.S. History.

I got it to see what I would need to know for the subject and I was going to aid it with books from the library.

My library is terrible though and I might need to buy a curriculum for it.

And as usual I can't find anything secular....

So I was wondering what everyone else uses (both secular and religious)?

If it's religious, just how religious is it?





  1. Here is a terrific resource for titles.

  2. Go to

  3. If there is a college or university near you, check to see what their bookstore has for US History 101 (or however they number it).  I think every college/university in the US requires their students to take some type of US History course to graduate, so they should all have some type of text for the course.

  4. US history never happened.  we are the generation that lived and saw Christ, but we are trapped in an illusion created by the devil.  all history and everything that people believe happened for 2000 years is just part of the trick.

  5. Although American History books of 20-30 yrs ago were, in my opinion, much better and more complete information, you could go to any Public School and see what they are using.

    They cost about $40 for new.  Maybe some old textbooks can be found in the used book store.

  6. I highly recommend the Joy Hakim series, "The History of US".  There is a companion site at PBS that has awesome additions to the texts.

    It is secular.  My son is currently doing a two-year course of the books through K12:

  7. You could borrow a history book from the local school.

    I use Abeka, which is pretty religious. Last year though, we pieced together a curric. If your child likes to read, there are a ton of great books written. I liked "Reading the Man" by Elizabeth Pryor. It is about the life of Robert E. Lee.

  8. What age group?  Any particular books?

    Remember, several of our founding fathers and many great Americans were very religious, and that too is part of History.

  9. Secular curricula

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