
Homeschooling? What should I do?

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My daughte started first grade this year.

After a while the school gave her some tests (her general lQ is137and 98 percentile in all cognitive areas).

After this tests they placed her in 2nd grade two weeks ago, they don' t wanted place her in 3rd grade because of her age.

She is at 3rd grade level in all the subjects (exept for reading that she is at advanced 4th grade).

I think she deserve stay in 3rd grade (she stay at reading group in 3rd grade and she fit very well with the other children).

The principal say they want see how the things go and eventually place her in 3rd grade until Christmas. I belive is just an excuse for let her in 2nd grade.

What should I do? Let her in 2nd grade or homeschooling her and send her at school next year in 4th grade?

If I leave her for see if the principal place her in 3rd grade the week until Christmas I don' t have enough time to teach her (and I belive that this is what the principal wish).




  1. Homeschooling her for just this year really won't make a difference in the long run. You don't get to decide if she'll be in 4th grade or not next school year even if you do homeschool her. The school can still refuse.

    Homeschool her only if you are prepared to do it for the long haul.

  2. One very important thing to remember when advancing your child through grade levels is the fact that once she enters high school you will be dealing with a 12 or 13 year old in the same school as 17 and 18 year old boys.  My mother nearly advanced me two years also until a friend of hers brought up this fact.  It is also the reason I chose to homeschool my girls who were both in the same situation.  The best way to advance your children is at home.  School systems are simply not set up to handle accelerated students appropriately, thanks to no child left behind.  I think from your other question you have maybe already decided this is the way to go,  just wanted to add about the age difference.  Best of luck to you and your daughter.

  3. As long as your not going to be the one teaching her english and grammitics of our have some issues HAHAHAH

  4. here is some info that may help you, if you need anything else feel free to email me

  5. Homeschooling is a great idea, but advancing her too quickly is a bad idea.  She will be very out of place with the older students, and may have difficulty socializing.  Kids tend to grow up quickly; don't try to speed up the process.

  6. I hope you aren't going to be the one schooling her in English, spelling or grammar.

  7. ASK HER if she feels she needs more of a challenge, or is bored. Use simple words, so she understands. explain her options. Tell her that homeschooling will be very different from regular school, and that she can still have playdates. If she does homeschool, enroll her in at least 1 extracurricular activity. (I have a dance class, payed for by my homescholing program, and may attend a beading class). This way she will gain the social skills she needs at her age. I think her opinion must be valued over what you or her principle thinks.

  8. surely it's important for a child's development to go to school with children her own age?? i'm only fourteen but i am soooo against homeschooling - it makes the child a bit odd.....they need to have friends and learn with people.

  9. If she is starting out this smart, your best bet would be to keep her at home and see if she thrives there.  That way, she can learn at her own pace, which seems to be faster than average, without being bored.  If she gets bored in school that could reesult in bad grades, so you may want to keep her at home, for at least this year.

    You may want to send her to a privet school also.

  10. I agree with Glurpy... if you are going to homeschool, you need to look at it as a long-term commitment not a quick short-term fix.

    Intellect and emotional maturity must both be taken into account.

    A couple of great things about homeschooling: is that children will (if you make it so) have an opportunity to interact with kids of all ages; and your daughter can go at her own pace.

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