
Homeschooling conditions?

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do you have to have any certain conditions to be eligible for homeschooling? can anyone just do it- or aare there certain reuquirements thaat are needed to be met?




  1. I would imagine if your home schooled you set your own conditions.

  2. You have to be school age. You need your parents to agree to it. That's it.

    In some cases, parents need to meet certain conditions. Try doing a search for yourstate/province homeschool laws and see what it says.

  3. Yes; you must have the consent of your parents/legal guardian. They have to agree because they are the only people who can de-register you from your current school. Unless you are properly de-registered, you won't be 'homeschooling', you'll be 'truanting'.

    Other than that, *some* jurisdictions have their own local requirements r.e. minimum school days or hours, mandatory subjects, mandatory testing, record keeping etc that you & your parent/guardian need to be aware of once you are homeschooling. You can check those out by going to (if you're in the US) and clicking on your home-state or by going to any of the websites of homeschooling organisations in your country (eg 'HEA' in Australia, 'HENZ' in NZ, 'Education Otherwise' in England etc).

    However -- and this assumes you go to a regular school and not a special school for kids with physical/mental health problems - there are *no* conditions that the school or school board/district can legally insist upon you meeting before being 'allowed' to homeschool. They may try -- they may think (or even genuinely/naively believe!) that they have some sort of a right to lay down conditions or to have a say -- but they don't; decisions concerning how and where you are educated are the sole responsibility of your legal guardians (who, in most cases, are your parents).

  4. Here's a link that will bring you to your state's regulations - just click on your state and go to "homeschool legally" in the upper right hand corner.

    Your parents don't have to be certified teachers, nor do they have to hire one.  They can if they want, but they don't need to.  They just need to agree to let you be homeschooled and pull you from school.  This would need to be in writing so that truancy officers don't show up on your doorstep.

    Some states require you to notify them in writing that you're homeschooling, and some require you to be tested and/or to submit a portfolio of your work each year for evaluation by a certified teacher.  However, that's about as strict as it gets.

    Hope that helps!

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