
Homeschooling crisis ?!?!?!?!?

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My daughter wants to get home schooled because she has a really high level of social anxiety so I was looking up online schools in CT were we live and the only one they have you have to be enrolled in a public school and have a teacher from that school be your mentor to help you and we live in a town where that's not gonna happen. We don't have enough money for the other online schools because my husband just died and we're struggling. When I told her she started having a panic attack and won't stop crying. I can't teach her because I have a two year old to take care of.Does anybody know what I can do please please help she's been going through a lot and really depressed and I just want to make her happy and this is the one thing she wants more than anything. Please help us find something.




  1. While I feel your pain, I don't agree that home schooling is the best answer.  The public schools have counselors and other resources that will help children get special care.  Being afraid in public is not something to encourage and will lead to a very dysfunctional life.  You did not give the age of your child, so this question reflects a general opinion and cannot be as specific as you might like.  

    Even sending her to a church run school is better than just keeping her at home all the time.

  2. try here:

    give me a good rating please


  3.  -- This is an online school for PreK-8th grade. It's $19.95 a month.

    This site is all about free resources for homeschooling. You'll have to go through and see if it will work for you.   --

    You definitely need a homeschool support group! Here's an online support group. They should be able to help you with finding an online school in your area. --

    Good luck!

  4. send her to a school that will help her more than anything with social anxiety it might seem bad at first but she'll make friends and her social anxiety will get better

  5. This sounds like such a difficult time for all of you! My heart goes out to you.

    You don't need an online school and you don't need an expensive program. How old is your daughter? Is there the possibility of homeschooling long-term? If she's high school age, is the school willing to work something out with you for credits? Many parents take care of little ones while homeschooling their older ones, so even if you don't feel capable of actually teaching her everything, surely you can at least monitor and guide?

    Using the CT laws and curriculum, could the two of you sit down and put a plan together for the year? You could assist her in finding online or library resources for materials and just be there as a support and guide rather than a teacher. If you would just like something free to get through the year, check into It's all laid out, all available online. It's not going to meet modern standards, but it's something to start with.

    Try connecting with at least some online CT homeschooling groups (Yahoo Groups is a good place to start) and get some advice on how to meet CT laws.

    If your daughter is high school age and the school isn't willing to recognize credits, you could still homeschool, keeping two possibilities in mind: 1) follow the CT homeschooling laws and teach what they require but keep it low key; have her re-enroll the following year with her being a year "behind" in school; 2) plan to finish out her schooling with homeschooling.

    ADDED: Omg, I'm so sorry about the first two answers. They obviously think they are qualified psychiatrists who know what's best for kids with social anxiety. And think that homeschooling means being home all the time. I've worked with kids with social anxiety and the anxiety does tend to improve at home because it's far less intense. Do make sure to find things for her to do on a smaller social level, though.

  6. is a homeschool in Lansing Illinois. I live in Texas and I recieved my diploma through this school. I had to teach myself and it was rather easy. I am not sure how old ur daughter is but she can do most of this on her own and you just grade or look over it afterwards. They have a cheap payment plan I only payed like 30.00/month. So if you could afford this then go for it. I am not sure about the teacher haveing to teach b/c that was not recommended for me my mom just withdrew me from school and that was the end of it.  If she has already tried to over dose then I would find the time and money to send her to some kind of homeschooling program. If she tries that again it might be her last. I hate saying that b/c I coulnt magine haveing to go through what you are but I hope this helps and good luck with ur daughter!

  7. Check out the CT Homeschoolers Inclusive Yahoo Group.  Ask some questions there and I'm sure you'll get some helpful advice.

    Ct doesn't seem to participate in any of the cyber-school programs that a lot of other states offer.  You don't say what age your child is, but I can tell you that I live in CT, and it is easy to homeschool your child in CT because the 'rules' are very flexible.  You can really design your own curriculum based on materials available in your local library.  It can be done while you care for a two year old (I did it).  

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