
Homeschooling help..???

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im really interested in being homeschooled-

i have terrible depression & a sleeping disorder & its getting harder & harder for me to attend my highschool regularly-

so i talked to my dad about it & he seemed alright with it as long as it wasnt too difficult for him being a single parent,

seeing that missing school im teaching myself most of the material anyway... more information about it would be wonderful.





  1. is a good homeschool program.  It also may be free in your state.

  2. i'm homeschooled, it's great, i live in southern california and luckily there is a homeschool system that i homeschool through its great, if you find one in your area you are set, i honestly teach myself, i get assaignents, and tweak them as i wish etc, you meet with a teacher once a month and show them your work and progress, if you don't have a homeschooling sysytem in your area, you can always join an independant study program type thing, i don't know a lot about it though but doing some research will get you an answer, i love homschooling it's great, it's my first year, and i'm a junior in highschool, you do things on your own time, sleep in, do homework anywhere you like, and you can even enroll in classes at the highschool that you enjoy like art, choir, whatever, i take drama at a highschool second period, and then i go home and do my stuff its great

    and in response to one of the above comments, you don't lose the concept of deadlines because you have deadlines to turn in your school work for the month, you don't take tests at home all the time, there are some you have to take through the school district like midterms, finals, etc, and about the friends, as long as you maybe join a group or keep in touch with current friends you'll be fine, and i think you learn a lot more being homeschooled because your not falling asleep in a classroom and your cutting out alot of waisted time and getting to the point, the main thing is to stay focused, and responsible and you'll do great, its kind of hard in the begining cuz its so different, but i thnk you'll love it once you figure out your own system

  3. at your age..why are you depressed..?meaning desperately?

    come on God leave the cares for musn't being care laden is no good even if you are an adult..cos God said..even if we care..can this make us taller? see..only God can move the you do not care for the a business of care..too much..over the possibility of human being..

    if you want homeschooling that's all right.,....all of us would have wanted if it would been possible in our times..even not possible in my country ,maybe just theoretically..

    be a common what you like avoid agressive situations, violent televison movies etc..avoid p**n movies..or s**y movies..cos you are still a kid....s*x is not for must first fall in love when you will have enough mind at 23..or 25..then marry then make love..till good classic novels, go to church onb a liittle bible..make innocent friends..faithfull to god..find a good activity to play..and do not care for the things adults have to care..pray before you sleep..dress with a nice feminine respectfull to people and at a distance with boys..and work at smth you like to do whcih is your pleasure..

    not all the kids..are able to follow a forced school..i know a boy who lost interst for school fom 11..he finished the highschool..i do not know how..a kind of highschoold of arts and works..and he is quite mature for his age ..he is even more masculine and powerfull then the boys of his age..

    his mom has a shop..he works there sometimes.

    the fact that you cannot handle school musn't upset is a normal thing..many kids are upset by school but few dare to fight the problem..most of them fullfill the comandment of their parents to go to school..since they were 7..if you do what you like and not will get rid of depression..and other disorders..the disorder and depression comes when we are asked to do what we do not like..and forced to live the way other wants us to freedome no one would have depresion

  4. I don't know what state you are in but a person usually has to notify the state  of your intentions.

    In NC, I had to notify the Dept. of Non-public Education- their website gave me all the state regs. I needed to know

    There all are kinds of books available at the local library on the subject and curriculums are a plenty...depending on your state regs  (again)

    Some states are very relaxed while others require a lot more.

    This website will give you some curric. reviews

    this one has some free resources

    Since you have internet access...try searching "home school in  (your state)  to find the laws etc.

    I hope this helps and I truely wish you the best!!

  5. OK, I was homeschooled/unschooled! I was not allowed to attend school because it might currupt me..................... SURE!! So I signed (forced to) with AMerican home school and I taught my self. IT is NOT the same education. YOu miss alot . I WANTED to learn so I could finish so I could go to college, so I was VERY motivated but didnt do to well because you are not qualified to terach yourself and neither was I. My sister and I both had to be homeschooled and we tried to help each other out. ONe huge problem we face now in college is time limits, you lose the concept of deadlines and time limits when you are homneschooled. You cant take closed book tests, timed tests are meet deadlines as easily. ANother problem is you will not have a friend in the world. I know you have a few friends now that SAY they will stick with you but when you are never there in school with them adn your lives change and become so different she will move on and you will be friendless. I never had friends and most liekly wont till the day I die, school is about the only place to be with people, you could visit after school but they will be busy with homework and afterschool stuff that you will never do or enjoy again. Think abotu when you are sick for about a week , how people seem to move on without you and how lonely you feel and weird it feels to see them again. DONT DO IT! You think you are depressed now, wait untill you are isolated all alone in the house with no friends around and no teachers or human beings !

  6. I'm in Homeschooling and I'ts really so much more easier than Public School. You  can do the school when ever you want that day as long as it gets done at the end of the coarse. There are no books involved, just the internet. I teach my self and I don't need my parent to help me at all. I have been with K 12 and a few others and I don't like them as much. The one I'm with now is letting me finish my school year faster. All I have to do is really stick to it and I can finish six weeks in just a couple weeks. Or you can do the school nomal times like when public finishes then you finish.. You should really check is out.

    The school is called Primavera Online Highschool.

    It's the best. Hope I helped.

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