
Homeschooling help!!!?

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im in 9th grade and i hate going to public school. i cant focus or learn in big classes and i get so stressed out! also people make fun of my race and stuff. i've asked my mom if i could be homeschooled but we haven't talk about it since and im scarred what my dad would say because i haven't told him yet help!!! also what are the best websites of homeschooling??




  1. This site will give you plenty of information you can share with your parents to reach a decision as to whether or not you should homeschool:

    Good luck!

  2. My advice is to educate yourself concerning the following.....

    What are the laws in your state concerning homeschooling?

    What are the requirements that your parents have to meet before they can homeschool you?

    What is required of you by the state and/or local school district?

    If you can't find the state laws online then go to your local library, they should have the information available there.

    Go online and research what's available to you and that would meet requirements. What kinds of curriuclums are available for purchase or would you participate in an online highschool program? What do these programs cost? Who will pay for whatever program you want to use, your parents or you or will both you and your parents share the costs? The programs that appeal to you are they accepted at colleges and universities?

    Are you planning on going to college? For what? What are some colleges that have those kinds of programs? What are their requirements for entrance into their school if you're homeschooled? (If you don't know what you want to do yet then pick something and search out the info with that in mind)

    In the state I live in you can attend community college, while in high school and get both high school and college credits at the same time. Does your school district or state offer a similar program? If so what are the requirements?

    Take this information you've gathered and present it first to your mother then to your dad. Maybe make a big event out of it, keeping it light hearted. Include all of the reasons you want to homeschool.

    Be respectful, include the reasons why you want to be homeschooled beyond what you wrote in your question, find out what the advantages are to being homeschooled, present your plan for how you will meet requirements and for getting your academic work done. Be kind, be humble but not begging.

    You need to show that you can be and are responsible. That means that if you've not been, that you need to change and if you already are, then be even more so, and not just so your parents will say yes.

    Being homeschooled takes a lot of self discipline, planning, a willingness to learn, and diligence.

  3. homeschooling is a great opportunity-I'm glad you want to try it out. your parents would probably agree that it's the best choice. connect with other homeschoolers in your area and get their help. go to to contact me (you have to have an account on there though first sorry). I'll help you in any way I can. ~RC
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