
Homeschooling is going to be illegal in California?

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Yeah, that's right! The California Court of Appeal is maing it ILLEGAL to homeschool your children unless you have are a certified teacher! The court did all this so secretivly that not even Home School Legal Defence found out about it until this morning. It was proposed last night and is to be signed into law soon. Who else is completely outraged about this?!?

Here's a link where you can find more information and sign a petition to "depublish" it.




  1. It is outrageous that the courts are trying to intervene with the rights of parents and children.  

    I wonder if this impacts private schools that hire uncertified teachers.  That would cause quite a stir!

  2. So many on here would easily give up freedoms they consider "small" without counting the cost or seeing the bigger picture. Small steps lead to bigger and bigger ones....

    I did sign the petition - and we did live in CA for a bit and homeschool.


  3. no i think that is too right, you need a proper education from a trained professional, it is also where children learn social skills and get a balanced view of the world... i think homeschooling should be outlawed completely it's not fair on the children!!

  4. I think it's a great idea. I have wondered why a person could teach when they were unqualified and unlicensed to do so simply because they gave birth to the student. The kids deserve a qualified teacher. There is more to school than the coursework, they need to make friends and be in school.

    I hope this law goes national.

  5. How HORRIBLE!!Icansign to even if I am a kid an dnot in California Right!!!!! I hope so! They CAN NOT DO THAT!

  6. They key here is "credentialed". If you have your child in a homeschooling program that is run by, and you are accountable to, a credentialed teacher - you are fine. If you are a credentialed teacher, you are fine. This has always been part of the law - it just has not been enforced. Since the state gives money to you for homeschooling your children, they are responsible for making certain that they are being taught legitimately. Though you may not be, there are alot of unqualified people (and far less than qualified homeschool programs) that do not benefit our children.

  7. Outlawing home schooling anywhere is a crock. If this is true is is a definite crock.

    This California judge must have let the latest incident slip him tiny mind about the principal in his own state that kidnapped a 13 year old student from his own school and took her home to rape her.

    A proper education in public schooling is not talking about who was at the party last week or who has the best IPhone, IPod, or cell phone, or texting over a teachers lecture. This happens in public schools.

    Bullying, theft, drug sales, segregation, school shootings are not part of proper educations.

    Our kids don't sit here and play video games either like many lazy students think. Tell me, who was Dr. Charles Drew, who was Quanah Parker, what was General George Crook's Starvation March, where does the expression "Xenophobia" originate from? For all of you public school know it alls, my 10 and 15 year olds can answer these.

    We don't baby our kids one bit and we don't have to worry about our kids falling in with a bad group or going out drinking after school. We don't have to worry about a school shooting or a principal kidnapping and raping our kids.

    Watch Jaywalking. All of those kids Jay questions are public schooling kids who just happen to fail 95% of his questions. My kids can tell you who Condeleeza Rice is and even Chester Nimitz.

    People throw up the argument that home schooled kids get little or no socialization. If that is true, than public school kids truly get no education. They're just there to socialize and take up space. The socialization coming out of public schools only teaches a child to go out of their way to ruin someone to be better. We actually have an immeasurable level of morality here in our home school. I don't want our kids hanging out in groups or hating someone based upon rumors or going to a party hosted by booze or getting into a holier than thou crowd.

    A qualified or accredited teacher should not rape or molest students or allow favoritism. A qualified teacher should know all points of the class they teach, not certain sections of it to suit them.

  8. im home schooled and i have friends cuz i go to a home school program and im not like supper religus i cant even spell religus  and i dont know why it ileagal  or why peapol think it should be

    i was in school and my mom said that if i wanted i could home school

  9. Well thats intresting!

  10. The state looking out for our kids?  Parents care way more about the kids than the state.  That's usually why they are homeschooling. Credentials don't make you a good teacher.  It simply makes you a credentialed teacher.  This has nothing to do with the ability to teach.  It is well know that homeschool kids score much better on standardized tests than kids in the public school system.  Homeschooling is obviously a valid option even if it is not for everyone.  Be careful about what freedoms you so easily allow to be taken away from others.  This judge made a mistake in publishing his opinion and I believe it will be depublished before the end of the year.

  11. Bravo; as well it should be; some of the parents in this forum who boast of homeschooling their children can barely spell or write a coherent sentence, so this is long overdue, I hope ALL the states follow suit. Well done California! Glad someone's looking out for what's best for the KIDS.

  12. Tragic.  It is tragic if the Socialist State Of California gets away with it.

    I  am a former teacher who met several home schooled kids who had transfered to public school. If they transfer it is usually in seventh, ninth or tenth grade. Home schooled kids are by and large more articulate, at ease with adults, and more comfortable in the world around them.

    They are NOT isolated at home at all!

    California public schools are horrible places.  There might be a few good ones here and there, but if I had kids in California, I'd look for alternatives to the public schools.

  13. That is outrageous.  My friend who lives in Connecticut home schools her kids and they are grades ahead of other children their own age.  She is not a certified teacher, but is very bright.

  14. Why is everyone so misinformed? Things haven't changed in California and I doubt very seriously they will change anytime soon.

    It has not been made a law. California doesn't even have "laws" on homeschooling. It is a very grey area.

    We don't have all the details on this case. They are still working on that. You can't assume anything at this point. The only people that have information on this case are the judge and the people involved.

    The media knows nothing!!

    They are not about to pass some law that will backfire and cause more problems for the State of California. California has enough problems to deal with at the moment. They know better than to open up another can of worms and if they do I can guarantee that it will be the undoing of our State as we know it.

    They already are having problems with overcrowding and not enough money for schools. Budget cuts=Trouble for the school systems.

    We already have way too many homes that are standing and that in turn is very bad for the economy of cites and the State. If they made homeschool illegal I can guarantee even more people will move out of California.

    The government and state knows it is in their best interest to try to work with what they have.

    Everyone does need to stand up and support these groups that help to keep the governments nose out of our business.

  15. Willow...I'm not sure where you got the myth that the government gives money to homeschoolers...they don't.  In fact, we get to pay taxes to support schools that our kids will never attend - which is fine - and then we get to pay for our children's educational materials, classes, lessons, and curriculum completely out of pocket.  Sorry, the government has no right to state what my child has to learn; they can suggest, but that's as far as it goes.  (And for the record, according to our state standards, my 10yo will be ready for high school next fall.  There's some high standards for you...)

    My dh and I have signed the petition and are actively watching the situation.  This case was completely based on two cases from 50+ years ago and the judge's own agenda - not on CA precedent or current law.  10 to 1 it won't stand.

  16. If you're teaching kids at home in California, you're going to need certification.

    That's the gist of a recent appellate court ruling that parents can't home-school children without teaching credentials.

      The whole thing about teaching credentials is that you need credentials for teaching a group of children that aren't yours.  It is all about teaching "groups".

      This is just frustrating.  

    It does make me wonder what brought this case to court to begin with. It is also good to know that they will appeal this decision.

  17. Not that this helps at all but Texas is just about the greatest state to homeschool in. .You simply have a right to school your child in anyway you choose.  Because of this there are many families who've moved here. I homeschooled a grandchild for one year and it was so great, he learned much more than he would have in public school. I was told once that if you sit with your child one on one for an hour a day, you can teach them at least as much as they learn going to school for an entire week and most of the time more.  I believe this because I did it.  I wish my daughter could have continued with it, unfortunately she couldn't. He entered public school this year and is still doing very well.

    I say, never give up. Sign petitions and do whatever you have to do to exercise your right to homeschool your children. Homeschooled children in general are leaps and bounds ahead of other children. They are also very sweet kiddos who think for themselves and are socialized with all ages.

    I wish you all well!

  18. why would you be mad about this? this is good...cuz now more people will be social and not sit in their homes all day playin video games on xbox live or eating food on their couch all day...even if they are getting schooled at home its not nearly as good as an education you can get from a school...o well...just sayin my opinion...

  19. Calm down, everyone.

    Firstly, this is not a LAW.  It is an appeals court misinterpretation of a law, based on bad information.

    Secondly, this was not done in secret.  The family involved was simply unaware of their legal rights, or that there are homeschooling organizations with lawyers who can represent families dealing with such nonsense.

    Sign the petition. Then relax.

  20. Hello this is just crazy and I can't believe so many people agree with it. I home school my children and they are so smart.My Two year old already knows how to spell her name and write it. I know for my self when I went to public school that was all it was (socialization and trouble).Most of my teachers did not do much but yell at the class all day and make you put your head down as punishment.So a couple of bad students ruined it for the whole class and we missed out on several lessons .There were always fights going on in public school.So when I hear people talk about oh your kid will not get enough socialization I don't understand why they think that is the most important part of school it is supposed to be education.Yes it is important to meet people and to get acquainted with other children their own age but not as important as learning.Kids now of days have to worry about what to wear how to act who likes them who dose not what to say what not say,they have so much pressure to fit in that they never get a chance to find out who they are on their own.In public school you have to be in a group and act a certain way to be apart of the group .I do not think that the government should have the right to decide how our children should be educated they should let the test scores speak for them self.And for those of you who say the state has the best interest of the children more so than the parents you are very ignorant I don't think anyone cares more about kids than their parents in a normal situation!! Also if public schools are so great than why are kids getting raped in school restrooms by other students while none of the adults are supervising,Why are teachers sleeping with their students if that is the best interest of our children than I would hate to see the worst!!!!!!!

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