
Homeschooling parents...?

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This question is for parents who homeschool their kids. If you have a job, what do you do? My mom is considering homeschooling me for next year, but she has a full time job right now. She said she might go back to the Hospital and work night shifts, but last time that happened she almost fell asleep while driving and wrecked. So I was wondering if you have a job other than homeschooling your kid, what is it and does it work out good with your schedule? I'm not taking your answers to my mom, I'm just curious.




  1. Most online charter schools have teachers to help you  and curriculum that is made for a student to follow without assistance from a parent.

  2. I too know the dangers of night work, but in this situation, it can pay off. I'm an exotic dancer, and I work 8 p.m. to 1a.m. 4 nights a week.  After work, I come home, go to sleep. I'm usually up by 8. [sometimes nine if it was an extremely hard night] I'm homeschooling my six year old daughter. We start classes by 10 or 11, after breakfast and chores are done. This has worked out extremely well so far. Good luck in your endeavor

  3. It is difficult but can be done.  I work midnights, and since my son is a night owl it worked well for us.  He would call me at work when he got stuck and we would work through things together.  I worked only a few miles from our house, so in good weather he would ride his bike to my workplace after sun up and we would work together.  It is workable, but you have to be willing to work it.

  4. My wife and I work different shifts and have the ability to take turns teaching the boys. She works nights and I work days.

  5. I'm a single mom and work the night shift weekends.  I actually enjoy working nights, and I'm home during the week for my kids.  They spend the weekend with their dad, who works weekdays.

    Another option depending on your mom's skills is working at home or a home-based business.

  6. She can work anytime and HS'ing you when she's not working.  HS'ing doesn't have to be Mon-Fri, 8am-3pm.  It can be in the evenings, during 3rd shift, on weekends, etc.  You can do several hours of work one day and none the next, etc.

    There are also work-at-home jobs she could do.  If she's in the medical field, she could do transcription work.

    I don't work for pay, but I have three time-consuming volunteer positions - registrar of our HS co-op, stateside office manager for missionaries, and serving on the committee of our Cub Scout pack.  I just fit HS'ing in between all of it.

    Also, if you're old enough to be home alone, you can always do online curricula/schools and have a certified teacher to go to for help.  Most of the time you'd work alone.

  7. I'm a piano teacher and I work from home. I find working from home really good because I don't have to find anyone else to look after my daughter.

    I work 4 days a week with most of it crammed into Monday and Tuesday - I do long days on those days and odd hours Weds and Thurs. I set work for my daughter while I teach. She knows not to interrupt me (unless in an emergency). In my gaps I go through the work with her. On Friday and in my times off on Weds and Thurs we do all the fun stuff, trips to places, meeting people and chillout time. It works well for us.

  8. I don't have another job other than homeschooling my kids. But there are options! There are MANY online homeschools that you can do that will teach you as you go and your mom's responsability to helping you wouldn't be the same.

    If you are self motivated you could do this by yourself easily!

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