
Homeschooling parents what do you think of this?

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I ran across this question in Religion and spirituality, but the person makes a slam against homeschooling so I thought I'd refer everyone to it. Maybe a few of you could drop in and set the record straight?;_ylt=Agtuec9It8l8afcGoUaPaM_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080119184630AAgx0Nt&show=7#profile-info-boPTYVcvaa




  1. The answers are up to 36. Sorry. I wasn't nice. Blew a gasket. Accuse me of DAMAGING my kids?? Job 38:2 applies to this woman.

  2. I went and answered ... how sad that people just assume things about homeschoolers. Frustrates the c**p out of me!

  3. I think that the person is uneducated and is making grotesque assumptions based on very little, if any, evidence.

    Fortunately, many home educators teach their children how to think, not what to think.

  4. Wow. Though I'm not homeschooled, I have many friends who are and generally they are more mature, friendly, and do just as well (or better) in school as a motivated public school student. They are not socially inept and are often very involved in musical groups, church groups, music lessons, and other activities. Homeschooling is a great option for many people and the right to do so must be protected.

    On the other side, people who go to public school are not necessarily heathens, drug users, etc. I go to public school (always have) and am Christian, intelligent, musical, and don't swear every-other word. Public school is also a good option for many people.

    Parents have to school their kids the way that is best for the child. Public school parents and homeschool parents (and private school parents) alike must respect the school choice of other parents.

  5. And then we get people like Chrisman... who have to but into a conversation that doesn't concern them and have to put in there opinions.

    I answered as well. She assumes a lot and knows very little that much is sure.

  6. People are two quick to judge others' choices.

    We've home schooled, with good results, and I recommend it to others.

    Critics of home schooling need to judge themself.  Deal with the speck in their own eye!

    All men are endowed by their creator with INALIENABLE RIGHTS (from God, not the laws of man) including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."  I think that includes home schooling when we deem it necessary for whatever reasons.

    God is not a puppetmaster.  He does not want robots who can do no other but what He says.  Is the Yahoo critic of home schooling above God, to judge us, and limit our liberty???

  7. i honestly believe its jealousy

  8. The religion issue a side, I agree with the questioner in that thread. Homeschooling is a terrible idea.

  9. I answered.  Funny how they can claim that others are at a scientific and social disadvantage even while they present their opinion as fact - which is both socially and scientifically unsound!

  10. On a good day I blow it off. On a bad day I think "Its this kind of blind following of rhetoric that's led our society to the soul-sucking hellhole that it is today."

    Too bad that people are so willing to judge the world without open perception when they are accusing homeschoolers of doing the same thing.

  11. Thank you for bringing that up. Holy cow. I've answered. Not hanging around in that forum, I can't say I know for sure what she's talking about, although I assume it's evolution. I really, really, really don't get people's hangup about homeschooling and evolution!!!! SO WHAT???? It's one itty bitty piece of information that most people don't actually have any use for!!! People show up in this forum all the time complaining about homeschoolers do it so their kids won't learn about evolution but for crying out loud, most public schooled kids probably don't learn about it either. It's certainly not in our schools' program of studies, except in ONE high school biology class.


  12. Well I left them a note on MY opinion.  With 31 answers to this question, I hope they get an ear full and LEARN something!

  13. Its infuriating the assumptions people make, and I tend to agree with the idea this person is simply jealous they can't homeschool their kids.

  14. I answered it. Why are some people so darn rude?

  15. I'm not a home schooling parent, but I just want to say that I am totally against it.  Most parents that do this do not have the necessary background to do an effective job of it.

    But the best reason is that these children just will not learn to socialize in society.  By depriving them of this experience you run the risk of having a child who may have great difficulty functioning in a multi-cultural society.

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