
Homeschooling please help?

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Hii..Im getting homeschooled this year and im wondering will it take alot of my time,does your parents give you tests? What is it like




  1. it all depends on what type of homeschooling program you are a doing home school virtually but i can do it at any time of the day that i long as by the end of the week i have a certain amount of work done..i did 9-12th grade virtually an finished high school in 3 years ;)

  2. me to but im doing the one on the computer ,

    you have to be up by 8 , your teacher calls you every morning. theny meet up with your teachers every few months. (2-3) and you just have to do it every day.. it gets annoying but beats school.

    parents do not give you test oh and you have to turn it work every month

  3. It all depends on you, your parents and how you decide you want to go about homeschooling -- there are as many ways to homeschool as there are people doing it so it's impossible for anyone to tell you definitively what it'll be like. The only definite is that you get out of home-education whatever you're prepared to put into it. It will be what YOU make it, good or bad.

    Personally, I'm 15, home-educated all my life ('cept for 5 weeks) and, along with my siblings, am an unschooling (Natural Learning) auto-didact. For my family, that means I teach myself; I decide for myself what I want to learn & don't want to learn along with how and when I learn it; we don't differentiate between learning, education or life ('learning is life and life is learning', that's my parents' philosophy); we don't use a curriculum, syllabus, programme, schedule or anything else 'schoolie' in origin; and No, our parents don't give us tests -- we don't do tests or grades or anything such as that.

    (In fact if it happens in schools, it doesn't happen in our home but another home-educating family might do all that schoolie stuff and that'd be equally valid; and a million other home-ed families might be doing something between the two extremes that varies from the next family only by a degree or partial degree)

  4. Books-

  5. It should not take up a lot of your time.  One of the beauties of homeschooling is that you have extra free time to pursue your outside interests.

    Not all forms of homeschooling involve tests or grades, so you'll have to discuss this with your folks.

    There is a great book which I highly recommend:  It will help you get the most from your homeschooling experience.

    All the best.

  6. My parents made us do it exactly like school.  we started at 8 and went to 3 every day.  They made us take quizzes and tests just like at school.  I liked it though, because I like to study by myself, instead of at school with all the other kids.  It was just as hard as school for me, because my parents wanted me to have a good education, but It was good for me and I was actually smarter than the kids at schools and I had learned ot be independent.  It was a VERY good thing.  I started into public school in 7th grade and am doing GREAT! I am a junior now. It is definitely worth it!!  I think you will like it.  :)

  7. once you get used to it you will spend less time doing it than you ever spent at school. usually you do it all on-line or by mail, and no your parents don't test you, they supervise and help you when you get stuck. home schooling is the best way to be schooled for all kids because there are no bad influences, unless your parent's are that is. lol

  8. You need to ask your parents. We could imagine, but we can't know how your parents intend to structure your day. We don't know if they want to give tests. Talk to them. If you don't like their plan, open negotiations. Homeschooling is different in every homeschooling household.

  9. It will depend on if your parents are homeschooling you privately or if you are using an online/virtual school. Most likely it will take less time than traditional school because you aren't sitting in a classroom for 6+ hours a day.

    Best of Luck!


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