
Homeschooling please help!!!?

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OK I know all the state laws. My dads going to teach me. I just need to know like how you start. Is there something you have to sign or somebody you have to call and notify before you just stop attending public school?????




  1. Your state laws tell you what you need to do.  If they say that you need to inform someone then that's what you need to do.  

    Your parents need to be looking after all that for you.

  2. Notify your local school board.  

    They probably have a curriculum and materials and stuff all set up for that kind of stuff.

    Do a google search, there are groups of parent out there who do it and help each other.

  3. your dad needs to sign you outta

    school && into home schooling.

    they also have online schooling.

    make sure you check into it

    thoughly before you do anything.

  4. I would advise you not to get homeschooled.  Its not cool.


  6. Well, you said you know all the state laws, and they contain that information.  So that is your first homeschool assignment and you're asking us to help you cheat!  That's not a very a good start.

  7. dude what do you want to leave your friends to go to homeschooling for?

  8. Homeschooling? really? that sounds boring to me

  9. I agree that you need to read the laws a bit closer. The information you seek is outlined within the state laws.

  10. if you don't get into a program that is accredited it will not count.  AT ALL... you will not even be able to join the military if you don't do this right.  you will have to get a G.E.D to get a job anyway.  so why drop out and take home schooling if you have to get a G.E.D.  

    Penn - Foster  is an online accredited school... My daughter did this online from them (previously Thomson Education Direct) and the Army accepts their diploma.  So it is good.  She isn't going in the Army but I checked to make sure so it is accredited.  This way a college will accept it and so will employers...

    Good Luck

  11. You need to search a little deeper into those state laws to find out what you need to do. Some states require no notification; others require that you notify the school board, among other things.

    In terms of how to tell the school, I'd recommend you do a search for a homeschooling association or group in your state and ask them--or even see if there's a page online that tells you. Just do a search for _yourstate homeschool_ and see what comes up.

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