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ok so i hate school how much does it cost to be home schooled each year in england




  1. it's gonna cost you a lot and when i say a lot i mean more than £1000 a year

  2. A private tutor would cost A LOT. Figure £20+ per hour. But the good news is that you don't NEED a tutor. Home Ed isn't like school, your parents don't need to stand there and teach at you.

    Since you can obviously read and write, you can basically do it yourself with your parents just making the resources you need available to you. It's called autonomous education. And yes that's legal and all your parents need to do is send your school a letter telling them to de-register you.

    Are you sure that this is what you really want? Do you hate school in general or just the one you're at? Could you move to another school?

    If it IS what you want then you have to work out how to 'sell' the idea to your parents because the decision is theirs, not yours. If you came up with a price for tutoring would they be willing or even able to foot the bill? If you choose the autonomous path you will need to do a lot of research and have ready answers to all the questions that your parents are likely to ask.

    I'm not saying this to put you off, I think it's a great idea, but you need to realise that your parents probably won't see it that way so getting them to agree won't be easy.

    Good luck!

  3. Try reading "The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education" by Grace Llewellyn - it gives you tips on how to basically homeschool yourself for high school for very cheap.

  4. im not sure in england but it doesn't really cost much, because you can get online lessons or workbooks which come really cheap.

  5. well... if u want ur parents 2 homeschool u... then they have to get a license, but it doesnt cost very much i think. their are also   online homeschooling programs that u can check out... hope i helped!

  6. I don't know about England, but its not real cheap in the U.S.  If you want to be homeschooled and you don't want the burden of your parents teaching you.  Check into homeschooling over the internet.  Oh and there is this one that is really cool I thought.  Its  Check it out

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