
Homeschooling questions in NC?

by Guest44650  |  earlier

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My children are in public school right now, 6 yr old son in 1st and 9 yr old daughter in 4th. Last Wednesday I received a phone call that my 9 yr old had an accident and needs clean clothes. When I got there I found out that my 9 yr old asked to use the bathroom and the teacher told her no, which caused her to wet her pants (in class in front of everyone). I was so angry!!! I had already been having trouble with the teacher and this was only the 22nd day of school. Now my daughter doesn't want to go back to school, and I can understand why. But in NC you can't just stop sending your child, you must first send a notice of intent, and wait to receive your "card". But I've been told that I really only had to wait till the NCDNPE received my notice. So I was thinking if I sent it over night mail, would I be safe the next day? My 6 yr old doesn't want to be homeschooled. Do I allow him to continue going, which is NOT what I want, or do I strongly encourage him to stay home with us?




  1. We began homeschooling 2 years ago and it took less than 10 days to get our card back.  I don't know the official answer to this question, but I think you would be safe to start teaching at home.  As soon as you get the card, go to the school and get their records.  You are required to keep the immunization record at your home.  The grade records may be of help to see their improvement.

    Call the Department of Non-public schools and ask them.

    I'll give you link with phone number.

    I don't have an answer concerning the 6 year old.  I think he would change his mind if he knows that he would still have friends as a homeschooler. I think I would tell him to give homeschool a chance and let him have choice at the end of the school year.  The school should allow him to enter in the next grade as a 7 year old IF he decides to return.  (If the school refuses, let me know and I'll give you ideas on how to make an appeal.)

    Phone number is at top.

  2. You have a great answer from Janis, but I have to chime in about your 6 year old.

    If he decided to stop brushing his teeth or taking a bath would you allow that? Same thing here. This is your decision as a parent, not up to a 6 year old.  Just keep him involved with clubs, sports, and other activities with friends. Being home schooled doesn't mean isolation, make sure he knows that.

    Another site you may want to check for legal advice about homeschooling is That is the Home school legal Defense.

  3. I cannot help you with the NC law part, but I would suggest you go ahead and homeschool both children and get into a local homeschool support group (or two!) and get the children involved with others in your area so they do not "feel" like there are any cons to homeschooling (like missing friends and such).

    Good luck!

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