
Homeschooling questions!!?

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next weeek, im starting homeschoool, welll online at Florida Virtual Schoool. I have a few quesssstions if you could answer would be amazzzzzzzzzing. ohh and imma be a sophomore.

~ how do youu get a boyfriend? lol, not many kids in my neighborhoood that would date a homeschooled girl.

~ what do you do for fun? like extra currricular activies, be specific.

~ what are good hours to take my online classes?

any other helpful tips would be amazing !




  1. 1) You don't need a boyfriend. Don't try to look for one, you'll just be disappointed. Do your normal thing... hang out with friends... if something clicks, great... if not, oh well. Focus on school and friends. Boys aren't usually worth it!

    2) For extra curriculars, talk to your local High School. I know we had Home Schooled kids in our band and chorus. It depends on what you're into and High School rules. Also, do you have friends that go to regular High School? See if you can go to their parties and meet friends. Also, just because you don't go to the High School doesn't mean you can't go to the Sports Games! That's a good way to meet cute guys. ;) Try to get at least one friend from the High School to go with you, that way you won't feel so awkward.

    3) Set a schedule like a normal school day, only a little bit later if you want to sleep a bit. Say "9AM-10:30AM is English" and so on. You take the same classes you would on campus, just at home. You need to be organized and stick to schedule. Have your parents keep you on track! DO THE WORK ON A SCHEDULE. I cannot stress that enough. I know a lot of people who get stuck cramming the entire class in a week! Pace yourself, and be organized.

    Other than that, good luck and have fun! Sorry you have to miss out on normal High School, though.

  2. I met my boyfriend through a friend I used to go to school with and still hung out with all the time.

    For fun, I attend art classes at a local art studio, I fence in a fencing club, I take guitar lessons and play guitar and bass guitar in a band I formed with two of my closest friends, I'm in a local homeschool support group that has small group classes in special areas, clubs, activities, dances, prom, field trips, field days, picnics, game nights, movie nights, etc. I used to play soccer. I'm in a Medical Explorers club at the hospital that meets twice a month and goes on great field trips, explores various medical fields and science and technology fields hands on, lets us shadow medical professionals and actually witness surgeries and assist with things like physical and occupational therapy, infant care, child birth, etc. I used to take piano lessons as well. I attend an environmental science and invention program for homeschoolers at a local museum. I'm involved in the local library's chess and poetry club, and they offer lots of other clubs and activities as well. I like to go horseback riding, kayaking, bike riding, swimming, etc. I still hang out with my public school friends in the afternoons when we both have free time and on weekends, and I see my homeschool friends a lot as well. I volunteer at a horseback riding school for disabled kids. I'm thinnking about joining student government at the college I'm duel enrolled in. You'll find that you have A LOT more time for socialization and activities and hobbies and such when you're homeschooled.

    I'd do your work in the morning and get them over with, this way you have the rest of the school day for any activities you plan with other homeschoolers and the afternoon to spend with public school friends or to take classes or attend clubs and activities or sports and such.  

  3. first off a boy will ask you out if he really likes you if your home schooled or not. My first boyfriend was home schooled himself. On extra curricular activities I don't really have time myself because I'm the oldest of four girls. So I'm sorry I can't help you there. you can work on school whenever it suits you as long as you get it done. lol.Hope i answered some questions.

  4. Are you that worried about guys? Come on! If a guy is interested they will ask home schooled or not! If he doesn't ask BECAUSE you are home schooled then he isn't worth your time any way.

    Extra curricular stuff... Join a home school group. I'm willing to bet the guys there will open your eyes to a whole new world!

    The best hours to take your classes are during the day when you are awake and fresh. These also happen to be the hours when your friends are in school. That way you have time after school to hang out with them.

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