
Homeschooling schedule???

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Hi, I'm a tenth grader that is being homeschooled through the A Beka dvd accredited program, so I pretty much work independently, and I was interested in hearing some of you all's schedules that are also homeschooled this way..thanks alot!!

P.S.... I also have another very important question..i have SOOOOOOO frizzy hair, and I've tried absolutely everything?!?!? Any tips??? Thank you SOOO much




  1. I've been homeschooled all my life I don't have exactly a "schedule" I just do the work until it's done. Usually I'm done by about 2:00. I take fridays off every week!

  2. I'm a homeschooled tenth grader as well. I have a pretty complicated schedule that varies each day of the week  but here's the basic outline:

    8:00- math




    1:30- spanish


    I switch things around a lot and add and subtract times as some lessons/assignments are harder etc. but I usually just try to do whatever is harder and takes longer first.I usually work 6 days a week to keep ahead in my homework.

      I also have frizzy, curly hair!  After showering I rinse my hair with some cold water( supposed to seal the cuticule), scrunch with  a  cotton t-shirt(towels cause frizz), then scrunch with gel.

    And also I use high mosture conditioner or add olive oil and honey  to a cheap conditioner.  HIH : )

  3. That is the great thing about homeschooling. You can work it into  your own schedule. You can do your schoolwork any time of day, or night when it works best for you! It usually takes my kids about 2 hours to complete their daily "lessons" and then they can get on with enjoying their hobbies, friends and their lives! You dont have to waste time like you would in public school on mundane chores like grading papers, standing in line, waiting til everyone else in the class understands the information, for discipline issues, etc.  It is great because homeschooling is life in the real world instead of life in an institution.  You are free to direct your own learning!

  4. The not washing tip works. Clean water is OK, but leave off the shampoo and any other chemicals so your scalp can settle into a natural level of oil production. Then just be sure to brush twice a day to spread the oil to the ends of your hair and to keep it clean. If you can't face that I found Frizz EZ Hair Serum to be effective, but it's not cheep!

  5. Re: Frizzy hair

    If your hair is dry and frizzy, stop washing it, use ONLY conditioner and brush it well for a week or two, and then wash at MOST once a week.  (that first week or two is horrid, but it WILL help.)

  6. I work independently because my parents are in to the unschooling thing, and I need a bit more structure. I'm an early bird and I share a room with my sister -who can't keep quiet to save her life- so this is how my schedule goes:

    7-7:15 Wake up, roll out of bed, take care of the cat. Basic grooming.

    7:30 Hit the books. I use Rosetta Stone for German, Teaching Company lectures for history and biology (I'm going to have a chemistry tutor starting April 7, I want to get my required science done with early so I can move on to the cool stuff), have a math tutor, and read a lot for English.

    I work until my sister wakes up, usually around 10. German takes about an hour and the lectures are about half an hour each, and those are top priority. English is done for fun, and math gets fit in around other things.

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