
Homeschooling situation?

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I have an 11 y/o that I home school and I'm looking at having to return to the work force due to financial hardships. If I return to work it will most likely be a day shift job. Now I know that with homeschooling I can teach her around my schedule but I need somewhere for her to go during the day. I know daycares that have like before and after school programs for children of her age but not all day. Please help. Thanks~~Lissa




  1. I would recommend letting your local homeschooling support groups know. They'd be the first I'd contact if I were in such a situation. After that, I'd check around for family daycares, maybe even posting a childcare wanted ad in the paper.

  2. Look at enrolling her back into public school for specific subjects only. Not many options unless you pay. Health camps, educational courses etc etc

  3. I think you should look into a registered home.  At 11 there is much of her work that she can accomplish on her own.  However adult supervision is always good.  A registered home is a home that is registered with the state to watch children.  They follow guidelines and rules.  I live in Texas and we have registered homes ( I was registered myself for three years) and I home school.  I own my own business and I have flipped my hours.  I am now open from 2-9 instead of 10-5. You can home school any time, so that is not a problem.  However you don't want her to be bored out of her skull during the day.  If you go with a registered home she might be the 'big kid' but perhaps the care giver would give you a discount providing your daughter be her helper.  Also, she could work during the day doing what she can until you need to help her.

    Good luck.

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