I'm homeschooled this year and I'm doing 9th/10th grade work, this fall I will be a junior. I really want to go abroad, but I don't know if I want to go to a regular school while I'm abroad. My parents and I were thinking of organizing this ourselves, and I would stay with friends of ours, it looks like London or maybe somewhere in Switzerland.
I'm thinking maybe I could live in London, join a homeschooling group and do my school work independently. Or do they have 2-3day charter schools in the UK? Can you do joint enrollment in the UK while in high school?
The main reason I'm not sure about going to a school is I'm worried about my credits getting screwed up, and they don't have AP classes in the UK. Could I take IB classes in the UK and then come home and take the AP exams? I have heard that AP/IB are equal in difficulty.
Please do not tell me that I should go with a program, they are too expensive, and it is too late to apply for rotary. Thanks in advance.