
Homeschooling trouble!?

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My daughter has been home-schooled for all of middle school, where I am (Utah, Granite School District/Murray School District) that would be 7th 8th and 9th grade. She wants to graduate High School, by attending public school, so she'll need 27 credits, a bunch of which are gained through 9th grade work. She starts 10th grade next year so what can she do? Shouldn't her home-schooling have some credit value? I don't want her to be forced into doing so much work, I want her to enjoy High School... not despise it with a passion.




  1. Have you prepared transcripts or had her tested for grade level? Ask the school board and other local HSers how this has been handled in the past. Good luck!

  2. Unfortunately, some public school systems require that you place your student in 9th grade in order for them to receive transcripts. Regardless of the grade they have completed as a homeschooler, they will be placed in 9th grade. You might want to consider another alternative if you want credit for your 9th grade work. She can receive transcripts from several online schools for high school, rather than returning to public school.

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