
Homeschooling versus public school?

by Guest67154  |  earlier

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hi everyone i just wanted to know what do u guys think of homeschooling versus Public school, what are the pros and cons of them both, and who would rather Homeschooling , or Public school for their kids, Thanks everyone for your answers!




  1. I believe home schooled children are rather sheltered from the world. Then, we they hit the real world in college they go nuts because the whole temptation deal is new to them.  Let them make some mistakes in middle and high school so that way they dont end up making up for lost time in college (saw alot of that the last four years, Catholic girls were the worst...)

  2. Homeschooling is great if you can find local groups to bounce things off of, get co-ops together for teaching and go on field trips or park days.  The flexibility of homeschooling is great.  I've found that we have learned alot about our state by going on field trips.  Allows for you to expand on interests that your child has so they can flourish in their learning process.  You really get to know your kid and spend more than enough quality time.

    Public schools....I hate the teacher/student ratio, kids that fall into the "norm" get left out.  Kids are mean!  Socialization is one thing but age segregation is happening and kids don't learn how to relate to all ages of people.  The kids are limited to what the schools want to teach, not necessarily what the child wants to learn.

    I really could go on and on!

  3. I homeschooled my kids (3) for 8 years. They were each able to work at their own pace, we had a lot of hands-on lessons that public schools can't do. For example, a lot of our science lessons were learned on camping trips. My kids had a lot of socialization with homeschool associations, church , and community functions. They did go into public school, when I was no longer able to home school them (I had to go to work full time) My daughter, the oldest, graduated from public high school a semester early. Homeschooling has taught them to think independently, and not just follow the crowd. If you have any questions about our experience, feel free to email me.

  4. Homeschooling Pros: Spend more time with your kids, they get more help and attention, you can specifically target their needs. No bullies or mean kids!

    Cons: They won't have a social life. Making friends outside school is really hard, and having friends is so important in life, and sociability is such an important skill to have.Sending to a public school would better develop there social skills, which is vital! No prom, no formal, no nothing either!!!

    Public school, even though people can be nasty, is a lot better :)

  5. Here's a chart that may help answer some of your questions:

    Here's some information about homeschooling disadvantages:


    Pros and Cons:

    For our family, we've found that the good of homeschooling far outweighs the bad.  My children thoroughly enjoy homeschooling and have no desire to go to public school.

    Good luck making a decision!

  6. Parents must be totally committed to home schooling, as their children must be.

    Children who  want to be "home schooled" because they don't "get along" with others, or because they believe they will not have to "get up" in the morning to "go to school", will not successfully be "home schooled".

    School is discipline, whether at home or in an organized public education system.

    Parents who want to "home school" are responsible for their child's education, and accountable to the state in which they live to provide the resources whereby that child can "pass" state tests that will determine their child has met state requirements for their grade level.

    Education, in a public or private school, is not the panacea for every child; but, "home schooling" is an avenue of education that cannot be taken lightly.

  7. Don't even get me started on the subject...I could go on for hours about it.  And Charlie are the rudest person I have EVER met.  I am a Catholic homeschooling girl, and darn proud of it.  Ok, to the answer.

    Homeschooling Pros:

    Sleep later

    Get out of school earlier

    1-on-1 attention

    Curriculum that works, not just some school-chosen non-challenging work

    These are just a few...there are millions of reasons

    Homeschooling Cons:

    There are none.  People think that there are social problems with "crazy mental" kids like me, but, I have more friends than the average teenager.  I have over twenty friends.  And when's the last time you ran outta cake at your BD?  Huh?  We don't have social problems.  We're not shy.  The only thing I'm shy about is singing solos.  Ughg.  I hate singing solos.  But I love singing..ok, off topic.  Anyway, to all those twisted-minded jerks, homeschoolers are great.  Choose it.

    Public School Pros:  

    Ummm...uhh...umm...uhhhhh....can't think of any

    Public School Cons:


    mean teachers

    wasted time

    bad curriculum

    bad food

    old desks/tables/chairs

    easily carried sicknesses


    lots of unnessesary schoolwork

    little time to study

    So, for any GOOD and SANE parent who is considering homeschooling, go with it!!!  Trust me, it's amazingly fun.  Your kid will be SOCIALIZED, SMART, and SANE.  The three S's.  Just remember those.  The three S's.

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