
Homeschooling when the parent is remarried and has sole custody of the child...?

by  |  earlier

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Could the other parent try to say that the parent is unfit because the child is not in a traditional public school?




  1. Not to my knowledge, first of all they have sole custody, and home schooling is legal in all 50 states.

    Home schooling is a very viable alternative to traditional schooling, and has great outcome success rates.

    One does not become an unfit parent because one chooses home schooling as the method of educational instruction for ones children, far from it, it often means that the parents  are completely committed, and take full responsibility for their children's education, since they have to be the primary instructors.

  2. Homeschool is not something an 'unfit' parent would do and trying to say or prove it makes the person look like they are not traveling with a full deck ( I am not going to assume anything here) or that they have a vendetta against the other person.

  3. Nope. Especially since homeschooling is a recognized form of education and complies with attendance laws.

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