
Homeschooling would u do it?

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how much is it to be home schooled ? for a 8th grader.




  1. it is up to you I would say go for it but I am only 1 person.

  2. I would not have wanted to be homeschooled at the age unless it meant my mother was still at work and I was by myself! As for cost, if you go with an online public school, free. If you follow your state's laws and purchase materials yourself, it'd be the cost of the materials. Find out how homeschooling works in your state (online public school is considered public school, so the homeschooling laws won't apply if you do that) and then take it from there.

  3. First of all in order to home school your parents need to be involved and give there o.k.

    Cost will depend on the curriculum, if any, that your parents and you choose.

    There are so many options when it comes to homeschooling so I would really take the time to do some research on the Internet and at the library.

    The laws are different from state to state also. So you will need to know what your state requires and then choose your options accordingly.

    If you really want to be home schooled and you feel that it is in your best interest you need to speak with your parents and find out what they think about it.

  4. lol I disagree completely with the first poster. Social life down the drain? And she knows this how? from experience? No, I was homeschooled from 2nd - 12th grade. I had a social life the whole time. I very much enjoyed homeschooling. Very glad my parents homeschooled me. I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. I had/ have many good friends and i can socialize with the best of them.

    A lot of people seem to think that homeschooling requires one to stay home to do school. Not so. There are always homeschool groups that you can join where several homeschool families get together to do school. So you do end up "doing school" with your friends. It can actually be pretty fun!

    As far as "learning how the real world works", because I was homeschooled, I learned more about the real world than most public schoolers, I would guess. I joined my mom on many of her errands in town, such as voting (they allowed her to have me vote "with" her. she explained the process, etc. very interesting), and when she got a job (yes, my mom had a "real" job) we went with her and learned what the "real working world" was like.

    When people talk about how homeschoolers are sheltered from the "real world", what exactly are they referring to? bullying? Homeschoolers get that, too.

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  6. The cost will depend on you and how you go about homeschooling.  Some people use online curriculum that's funded by their state government and is free.  We use the public library a lot, and that's free; we buy cheap, used books online, at homeschooling support groups' used book sales, and even got some used textbooks for free from our local school district.  Some people buy brand new, very expensive textbooks; for them it might cost several hundred dollars.  So, the cost will depend on how you go about it.

    If I had had the choice in 8th grade, I would definitely have chosen homeschooling.  I was homeschooled for part of my elementary years and thought it was great.  Besides, 8th grade tends to be full of nasty attitudes, bad behavior, bullying, etc. that can make school a nightmare.  I would have loved to have escaped the nastiness that my 8th grade year was full of.

    Be sure to look around for homeschooling support groups in your area.  They can be a great way to meet other homeschoolers and do things with them.  But they aren't the only social outlet.  Some people join organizations (such as 4-H, environmental groups, political organizations, sports teams, ...), or find places to volunteer, or get involved with religious groups, or get involved in competitions.  There are lots of ways to be actively involved with other people, to be social--you just have to pick the way that works for you.  (This is for the people who warn you about social problems...  Most of the homeschoolers that I know are much better in social situations than those who are cooped up in school most of the time.)

    Good luck to you.

  7. Hmmm... well I personally probably wouldnt do it, because I dont think school would be school without friends.  Some people think its better for you though, becuase you dont get distracted that much. But yeahh(:

  8. Homeschooling is a great alternative to traditional schooling.  As so many answers have fallaciously shown, most people have a negative stigma attached to the concept of homeschooling.  The idea that children who are home-schooled have no social life is ludicrous.  To think that homeschooling is the same as sheltering your child from the "real world" is ludicrous.  Children in school do not learn what the "real world" is like.  Think about it:  where in the real world are you restricted from speaking to your friends over lunch?  Where in the real world are you confined to a desk for hours, even if you have finished your work, and instructed to sit quietly and not disrupt any one else.  It is a complete farce that the modern school system's way of conducting an education is in any way indicative of the "real world".  

    Homeschooling can be the answer for many kids.  Those that are ahead of the curve, or behind it, can benefit greatly from homeschooling.  Those that want to expand their education beyond what is normal can benefit greatly.  Those that want to start specializing for a career can benefit greatly.  Homeschooling can be both a logical and viable choice in any of these areas.  Don't let the naysayers interfere with what may be the best education option for you.

    As to cost, it doesn't have to cost you anything extra.  Most people don't know this, but since your parents pay taxes, the local school is obligated to give you all the materials that they would give you in school, at no cost.  Of course, you have the same obligations to those materials that you would have if you were in school--you have to care for them, and return them in good condition.  There are a lot of materials available to homeschooling online as well.  I will link one online source of homeschooling supplies and materials in the "sources" section.  I am also adding a link to an article that I wrote about the benefits of homeschooling.  Hope this helps!

  9. nooooooooooooo wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy R U kidding me thats like your entire social life down the drain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont do it!!!!!!!!!

    especially not in 8TH GRADE

  10. I've homeschooled for most of high school. My little brother has all his life -- he's about your age. I love it because you get to focus on the actual point -- getting an education. My brother probably prefers it because yeah, he avoids all the drama of middle school and also gets to go at his own pace. Depends where you live and what kind of homeschooling is available I guess (never used an online program, but I'd be careful). For socializing, you can still take some extracurricular classes in something that interests you.

  11. My home school is free.

    its fun.

  12. I won't  consider how much it would cost you to home schooling, but what it will cost your child socially  and developmentally. Home schooling does have its good points I imagine, but kids that age need to learn how the real world works and how to interact with their peers. Protecting them to much now may hurt them in the long run.

  13. if you want then why not

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