
Homestudy details...?

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I am adopting my neice with the assistance of legal aid. I am waiting for dcfs to contact me for homestudy. She has lived with me since birth and I am her legal guardian. Can anyone tell me what a homestudy from dcfs consists of? Please be as specific as possible I want to be prepeared because we already have our final hearing scheduled. Also, will it be held against me that I am low income? That is why I'm using legal aid for legal assistance.




  1. I don't know what state you are from but I am from Oklahoma.  Our home study consist of a lot of things such as do you have fire extinguisher in your kitchen.  Do you have fire alarms in the kitchen and outside all bedrooms.  No your income should not play a part in their decision, especially since you have had her since birth.  I don't know how old she is. I don,t know how many children you have. It isn't how much you make as much as how far it has to go.  I don't know if you would be eligible for an adoption subsidy or not.  Back to the home study. You get questions about why do you want to adopt.  what is your plans etc.  such things as animal vaccinations, vehicle insurance, home owners insurance, car seat if applicable. Of course a background check for criminal records.  I know that this is a trying time, but the dhs wants the best for the child also.   DD

  2. You don't have to be wealthy or live in the suburbs. They just want to see that it's clean and safe. If she is a baby, make sure you put all the toxic cleaning stuff up and out of her reach. They don't want to take that child out of her environment. If they find anything that needs to be done, they will let you know.

  3. Homestudies are pretty intense.

    We spent a lot of anxious nights worrying about nothing. If you are caring and loving your child - then there is no reason for them to approve your adoption.

    I have a lot of details here...

  4. Talk about your finances.  Do you have enough to cover the expenses of raising a child -- food , clothing, education, medical insurance, etc.?  You do not have to be wealthy, just have to be able to do what you are probably already doing, since you have had her since birth.  Just tidy and clean your home as if you were having guests.  Make sure you have smoke alarms in the home, no debris in the home or yard, and have a separate sleeping area for your niece.  Make sure there are no other adults living in the home who have criminal records, or are inappropriate of course.  Pets must have current vaccinations and be child friendly.  And make sure you never use physical punishment.  These are some of the things they will be checking for.  Good luck!

  5. we are going through it now.  They ask you lots of questions about how you were raised how you will raise the child. (ie they want you to say you won't spank and you don't believe in spanking)

    There is a fire inspection you need a fire etinquisher (sp), smoke dectors on each floor, and stairs and pathways clear they need copies of  pay stubs, and proof of residency.  In my state we need four letters of refference two from family and two from non family.  They call your employer to see if you are dependabel and you must have the room already for the child which you do since she is there already
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