
Homestudy in differnt state and dont know where to start now?

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We had a homestudy done in az we are now in ok. My husband adopted my first child. but now that we moved and are ready to adopt. we are looking to adopt from 1 to 5 yrs old. we can take mild disabilities. nothing to hard. we already have 4 boys of our own and instead of trying for a girl we have decided we want to adopt. we have been told we have to do a new homestudy but we have also been told that all we have to do is up date our homestudy. please help. i am also wondering we came across something called adoption grants has anbody dealt with this.




  1. You're going to have to start over with a new homestudy.

    While you can just update when you move within a state, each state has it's own requirements, and you will have to contact DHS or an agency, and basicly start from scratch.


  2. Usually, an updated home study is done annually.... While it is possible to do this... I would suspect under these circumstances that if would be much easier to simply start over....

    I say this because first of all your original home study was in a different state--and sounds like it has been a little while since it was done....and it was for a Step Parent adoption....

    It also sounds like you are considering the idea of adopting a child who may be in Foster Care (?) and generally, the State Home Study has a slightly different approach to what they want to consider....

    If I am assuming correctly about the idea of adopting a child from foster care--then it would be much less hassel to contact the DHS or CPS office and ask for information about Adopting a child from Foster Care....when you strart the home study be sure to let them know you have had a home study in AZ.... It may be added to the new one and may help speed things up.

    The differences between a step-parent adoption and a state adoption are just enough that I would bet the state would start over anyway.....

  3. Home studies are usually free if you are adopting through foster care.  You need to call an agency and get an addendum to your study.

    You will have to redo physicals, criminal clearances and the like again.

    Contact a local agency that works with special needs adoptions!

  4. i know we are in the last few days of the adoption of my husbands grandson.  we are in one state he was from another they had a local social sevice office where we lived come do a homestudy... when we moved to another county after we had him they had to transfer everything over to the county we live in now and do another. you may want to call your agency in which you are going threw to ask them. if your going threw social services for a child who has been taken from their parents or a child who is in foster care you may be required to to have a new homestudy. i have never heard of adoption grants before i will have to look them up. goood luck in your adoption of your new child....:)

  5. I know that getting a homestudy updated is less expensive than completely redoing the homestudy. It depends on the policy in Oklahoma.

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