Find the color of the hat for the front genius?
3 geniuses stand in a file (one behind the other).Each can see only to the front, so the rear person can see the middle and the front,the middle person can see the front, and the genius in the front cannot see anyone.
You have 5 hats. 2 are white, and 3 are red. You blindfold the 3 geniuses, who are utterly truthful, and put a hat-at random-on the head of each. Then you hide the other 2 hats, and remove the blindfolds.
You then ask each genius to name the color of his hat(which they cannot see).
The rear one says "i don't know". The middle says, 'I don't know". Then the front one says, "I know".
What color is teh front genius hat????
You do not have to tell me the answer, but can you please explain what I need to do to get the answer, or if you give me the answer, explain to me how you got it.
Please I need help badly.