
Homework Help? PLEASE!?

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ok i have this new math teacher im in da 11th grade its the first day school and he gave this homework assignment and it is he wants us to define these two words and which is CAT and HOG. I asked was it the animal cat and hog and he said he's not saying so i look and i got what ever was in the dictionary so what other meaning is their PLEASE HELP i really appreciate it THANKS




  1. go there for the cat one go this for the hog one

  2. The only thing I can think of is letter/number substitution.

    a=1, b=2, c=3...

    so cat is 3,1,20 or 3120

    hog is 8,15,7 or 8157

    Hope it's what he's asking for.

    I'll be darned, Chris. I didn't know that. Learn something new every day... Cool!

  3. hi I'm not expert and i don't know your maths teacher but I'm thinking ill look at what they could be abbreviations for?

    CAT - Catagory Theroy? - ( *1 )

    "category theory, a comparatively new field of mathematics that provides a universal framework for discussing fields of algebra and geometry."

    - cats could also refer to a person as in "wow your as cool as a cat"

    - there's a telescope named "CAT" which is also an abriviation. ( *2 )


    - hog - animal - huge *** pig.

    - a harley david motorbike - alos the name of the club for owners (harley. owners. group.)

    - the A10 thunderbolt (milatry aircraft - heavy anti tank aircraft) is nicknamed the hog/warthog.

    im just guessing here aswell btw but i hope theres some "interesting" concepts there and i hope you get on well with your new maths teacher  aswell!

  4. it seems kind of dumb that a math teach would ask you to just look up two definitions for simple words, so maybe he/she is thinking of something more creative like:


    1.  nickname for catherine

    2.  'tac' spelled backwards


    1.  type of motorcycle (slang)

  5. cat is a construction company, and hog describes a person who doesn't share, 11th grade is not important, so just chill college is around the corner, then get your act together

  6. You should try looking those terms up under a contruction website.  I know that cat is a brand of boots and trucks and is also used to lift a car you know when you have flat tire. Hope it helps.

  7. pay attention in your english class.

    you could probably use the animal definitions of those words. Could also say Hog is used for motorcycle and such.

    Cat can also be used to define the Cat family. tigers, lions, jaguars, and cats are part of the cat family.

  8. Try to see if they are acronyms for anything.

    Other than that, maybe he is trying to see who follows directions, has legible handwriting, can put their words into a comprehensive format, puts their name on their paper... stuff like that.

  9. Could they be stock symbols?  Try reading here.

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