
Homework Help:Europe??

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what are the countries that build up Europe??

Europe is known for what? (please put in he location)


I really need it...




  1. Europe is made up of France and Germany and a number of smaller countries known collectively as the hinterland. Europe is known for exporting wine (red and white) and is known as the original home of white people.

  2. Wikipedia is always good for answers to this kind of questions.

    This is one page you can use:

    Next you concentrate on one area or country and use google or wikipedia and look for more detailed info.

    And please also search the resolved questions on this site, as there is a lot of information there.

    But always double check.

    A lot of info here is not reliable, but it will lead you to the info you need.

  3. Well you can't put it like that "what are the countries that build up Europe", Europe had many great powers in the ancient times, middle ages and modern times. They succeeded each other and some of them influenced only local communities, the other ones influenced almost all the continent but in different ways... Is complicated...

    You can find some parts of the answer to the first question here:

    And for the second one here:

    Use Wikipedia, is the best tool, search anything here:
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