
Homework and kids?

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how can i make my older son do his homework. his 11 year old and stays home alone with out a babysister. my other 3 kids who are 10,8.6 go to a baby sister and have no problem most of the time doing there homework. what should i do so my oldest son george does his hw




  1. if he's not doing his homework when he's home by himself (11 honestly seems pretty young for that, btw, if it's for any significant length of time -- i'd send him along with the other kids), have him do it in the evenings when you're home or wake up early and do it in the mornings before school.

  2. You could fork up some extra cash and have him stay with the sitter too.  It sounds like having adult supervision is what's helping your other kids do theirs.  I can't imagine most 11 year old boys being self-motivated to get HW done, especially when there are video game consoles, computers, and TVs in the house.

  3. What do you think?  He's 11 years old, he's home alone, in his comfort zone with no one to make sure he's doing the homework whereas his siblings have someone to keep them on task.  If he's at home, temptation is everywhere, tv, computer, phone, video games....whatever he chooses.  Of course he doesn't want to do his homework.  I haven't met many children with that type of self control and self motivation.  Is there a reason why he's the ONLY child who has to stay home?

  4. Tell him that he loses a privlage every time he does not complete his hw.  

    For example:  "You cannot play on the computer unless you finish the math".

    Or set a goal.  

    "Finish 15 math problems and the reading", or some thing like that if he has a lot of homework.

  5. Start treating him like a kid again and make him go to the babysister also.

    Tell him he is not old enough to stay at home.

  6. Maybe he needs to go back to the babysitter until he can prove he is mature enough to do what hes supposed to do.
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