
Homework assignment..DO you know any good Myths?10 easy points!!?

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My daughter needs some homework help....has to write about a "myth" do you know any? Share them please. Thanks!




  1. an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  2. Six Myths about Today's Workplace

    #1. Job hopping ruins your resume.

    Job hopping is one of the best ways to sustain passion and personal growth in your career. It also helps you build a network quickly and allows you to build your skill set faster than if you worked in the same job year after year. The learning curve is always highest at the beginning.

    And here's some good news for hoppers: Most people will have eight jobs between ages 18 and 32. This means most young workers are job hopping. So hiring managers have no choice but to hire job hoppers. Ride this wave and try a lot of jobs out yourself. Job hopping could be the key to building strong careers.

    #2. Getting a promotion is good for you.

    Promotions aren't created with you in mind -- they're created with the company in mind. The company creates a ladder and tells you to climb it. But you need to pick the steps that are right for you. You deserve a customized career, so be wary of all promotions.

    Most people who are good at their non-management jobs won't excel as leaders. It takes a very specific personality type to be better as a leader than as the worker who's actually doing the work. The irony is that people who are conscientious about getting their work done are promoted into leadership positions that don't value conscientiousness so much as being open to new ideas.

    Also, the average salary increase is four percent. Is that going to change your life in any meaningful way? Definitely not. This is why the idea of getting a promotion is so last century. Instead, negotiate for training, mentoring, or flex time. These are all things that will really improve your life and your career.

    #3. You'll be happier if you have a job you like.

    The correlation between your happiness and your job is overrated. The most important factors, by far, are your optimism levels and your personal relationships. If you are a pessimist, a great job can't overcome that. (Think of the jerks at the top.) And if you have great friends and family, you can probably be happy even if you hate your job (imagine a garbage collector who's in love).

    So a job could make you unhappy, if it's a terrible job. But when it comes to really being happy, you need solid personal relationships and a job that doesn't interfere with you enjoying them.

    #4. The glass ceiling still exists.

    The glass ceiling is gone, not because women crashed through, but because people are not looking up anymore. Life above the glass ceiling is 100-hour weeks, working for someone else, and no time for friends and family. Life above the glass ceiling is essentially about bribery. The company pays a lot of money in exchange for the employee giving up most of their time. Young people today think their time is worth too much to agree to something like that.

    And it's not only women who are saying no to the ladder: Men are as well. People want to customize success for themselves, not climb someone else's rungs. So if no one is climbing to the top, the glass ceiling isn't keeping anyone down.

    #5. Going to grad school open doors.

    Grad school generally makes you less employable, not more. For example, people who get a graduate degree in the humanities would have had a better chance of surviving the Titanic than getting a tenured teaching job.

    And unless you are going to a top business school at the beginning of your career, you should not stop working to get the degree. Go to night school because you will not make up for the loss of income with the extra credential.

    Law school is one of the only graduate degrees that makes you more employable. Unfortunately it makes you more employable in a profession where people are more unhappy. Law school rewards perfectionism, and perfectionism is a risk factor for depression. Lawyers have little control over their work and hours, because they are at the beck and call of clients, and many are constantly working with clients who have problems lawyers cannot solve. These two traits in a job -- lack of control over workload and compromised ability to reach stated goals -- are the two biggest causes for burnout in jobs.

    #6. Work hard and good things will come

    You'll actually be rewarded only if you're likable. People get hired for their qualifications, but they get promoted because people like working with them. So spend your days trying to figure out what people need and what people want, and how you can help them. Empathy makes you likable.

    The people who don't want to have to deal with kindness will complain. But for most of us, it's a big relief to know that the workplace of the new millennium demands more kindness and respect than ever before. This is a workplace that rewards being nice rather than being a genius. The people who will complain about this situation will feel that the niceness isn't genuine. The people who are genuinely nice will not complain.

    Put yourself in the latter category and be grateful we're living in the new millennium with a new workplace. It's an opportunity for you to shine in your best light and get what you want most for your life.

  3. I love Dido, for example:

    Or Arachne:

    This is beautiful, too:

  4. Here's an old myth I read about when I was little: It's about a rabbit who wanted wisdom; he already had courage, integrity,and respect, but he wanted wisdom. So he asked one of the gods to give him wisdom. The god gave him a task: to obtain it he had to get milk from the oldest cow (who was really mean), get scales from the oldest fish, and obtain a tooth from the scariest leopard. For the cow, he trapped her leg in a tree(I think) and milked her. To the fish, the rabbit played on his drum to the fish and it shook it scales off. He got the leopard mad so he made the cat slip and knock his tooth out. Then he gave milk, tooth, and scales to the god. The god gave him some advice, too. He told the rabbit when he saw the animals he tricked, run.

  5. Bigfoot would be a good one...especially since recently some men claimed to have found the dead body of Bigfoot in the forest.  

  6. An excellent Greek myth is the one about Pandora's Box.

    At first the life of man on earth was happier than it is now, and then miseries and discontents gradually crept in. Prometheus and Epimetheus created men only, not women.

    When Zeus was angry with mankind, he devised the worst punishment he could think of, and invented Woman. Hephaestus, the smith of the gods, was instructed to form her from the earth and make her irresistibly beautiful. Each of the gods gave her his own special gift of skill, and from this she was called Pandora, "all gifted".

    When she was perfected with every gift and arrayed in all her loveliness, this treacherous treasure was taken down to earth by Hermes, the messenger god who wears winged helmet and sandals to speed his flight, and given to Prometheus' foolish brother Epimetheus. Now Prometheus had warned his brother not to accept anything from Zeus, even if it looked like a gift sent in friendship; but Epimetheus as usual acted first and thought afterwards. He accepted the maiden from Hermes and led her into his house, and with her a great jar - some say a box or chest - which the gods had sent with her, telling her to keep it safely but never think of opening it.

    This was too much for a lively girl like Pandora, who among her gifts was endowed with the first feminine curiosity. After restraining it for a little while, she at last gave in and lifted the lid from the jar, and from that moment began the sorrows of mankind. For each of the gods had stored in it the worst thing he was able to give, and wonderful as had been the gifts with which they endowed her, just as dreadful were the evils that rushed eagerly from the jar in a black stinking cloud like pestilent insects - sickness and suffering, hatred and jealousy and greed, and all the other cruel things that freeze the heart and bring on old age.

    Pandora tried to clap the lid on the jar again, but it was too late. The happy childhood of mankind had gone forever, and with it the Golden Age when life was easy. From then on man had to wrest a hard living by his own labour from the unfriendly ground.

    Only one good thing came to man in the jar and remains to comfort him in his distress, and that is the spirit of Hope.

  7. there's this cool website called, it has a lot of Myths and Urban Legends and i think it will help you out


    there a few

    hey ps i like points jk

  9. Here is an american myths and legends site:

    Could be useful...

  10. Well, I think you mean a Greek/Roman type myth? I'm not sure how old your daughter is, (because some myths are a bit gory) but I'd look up the myth of Persephone. It's about A Greek goddess, whose daughter gets captured by Hades, the greek god of the underworld. You should look it up, I'm sure someone else could tell it better than I.

    I hope this helps!

  11. greek mythology has some amazing stories.... i like the one that has a girl taken by hades and when the man that is in love with her decides to go in to hades and take her back. he is told that when he leaves hades with his love he can not look back. no matter what. in the end just has he is about to leave hades with his love he hears a noise behind him and looks back. at that moment his love disappears back to hades and he can never get her back again. i'm not sure if the moral is that you must listen to directions carefully or what. but greek mythology has a lot of different stories. easy to find just look it up.

  12. -loch ness monster


    You might want to go through this link with your daughter, best

    of luck

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