
Homework&bad marks verses sports?

by  |  earlier

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ok, my kids are in the 4th grade and i told them if they get their homework done and dont get a pr point (personal responsibility) point. they can do soccer. i already signed them up 100.00. and now on the 3rd week of school they are getting pr points not turning in home work etc. is that mean of me to take away soccer and make them pay back the 50.00 each i spent be nice please they also dont care about tv, toys etc. so nothing else taken away works




  1. Yes, you need to teach your kids that being in a sport also comes WITH responsibility. If they're not willing to keep up in schoolwork and soccer, then soccer must go! Most kids needs to maintain a grade average to be in a sports later anyway. Better get them prepared!

  2. no i think you should tell them if they dont get there grades up within a couple weeks that you will take them out of soccer. Give em a warning

  3. Actually I think they just pretend that they don't care about toys, tv etc. If you were really consistent about hiding all their toys, and locking the tv for two weeks, they might begin to get their act together.

    I personally think that sports is an important part of a child's academic growth (too long to explain my whole theory on that issue right now, that's a whole other discussion, if you click on my name and send me an email, I may be willing to debate that issue with you) so I wouldn't deny them the soccer, but you can make them responsible for extra chores around the house, to help you "pay back" for the money spent on the soccer (that if they would have kept to their deal of no pr points, and consistent hwk) they would not have had to do. (this should be in addition to regular chores which they should be doing anyway.)

  4. Take it away and make them pay with some serious labor and check be hind them for some time let them know you don't trust that they've gotten the work done until  the next report card

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