
Homework for Obama's Speech?

by  |  earlier

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For my history homework, my teacher told us to watch Obama's Speech and write 5 things that seem historical, then to write a paragraph about it.

I would really appreciate if you could help me somehow. Maybe by just telling me a few things that seemed historical to you or by writing the paragraph. I really did watch it, but I don't know what to write.




  1. great! teachers are brainwashing the kids. Like tv is great for teens. Leave OBAMA the anti christ out of it!!


    here is link to the whole speech in text form.  You can scan it and look for where he talks about things he is going to do that have not been done.  Look for the things he is talking about that will leave a lasting impression on the whole country (if he does them).  Look for things where he compares where we've been to where we're going.  Hope this helps!!

  3. Sorry i was supposed to do the same thing

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