
Homework for summer?

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Well, my two BFF's have to practice math and spanish for like, and hour a day. We're going into 8th grade. It'll be first year of taking a language for my one BFF, who picked spanish. They teach spanish in school, why does she need to practice outside of it? She has to practice math too. Uhg. My other BFF is going into advanced pre-algebra next year and her mom gives her little worksheets with algebra equations on them. Summer's about fun, taking a break from school! What are your opinions on this? Is this fair? thanxx




  1. It will help them later on this coming fall, an hour isn't that bad... it will help you keep in the info you've learned or are learning. Like me for example I'm taking Geometry a new course for me in summer school I started July 7 and it's gonna end Aug 15 and it's a 5 hour class. it was my choice to do it. (since when is there advance pre-algebra? lol) Yes summer is about fun, BUT reviewing won't hurt you and it's going to help you. hoped that helped. I use to think the same way you did, but then when i got to high school the way i thought changed.

  2. she probably has an interest in spanish, its not like its a chore. i practice spanish this summer, cuz im taking ap next year, so i could use the practice.

  3. For only an hour a day, I say it's not that big a deal. If they have a lot of other commitments, then yeah that's a little ridiculous. Honestly, though, you really can lose a lot of information over summer. Especially with language, practice is SO important. I'm in college and learning Arabic at the same rate as a high school kid learning spanish, and I still feel the need to practice over summer. Class isn't enough when it comes to really learning a language. I think it's fair that they need to devote a little bit of time to studying, but I definitely agree that they need to be spending most of their time relaxing and having fun. There's nothing wrong with flexing the brain muscles, but there is DEFINITELY a limit!

  4. Well I printed worksheets for my self because I'm not the best student my parents do not force me but I do it at night when I'm watching t.v or when my parents are at work and I have to watch my brother but I don't do it when I can be out with friends.

  5. An hour a day isn't going to kill them, and will only help them next year.  Teachers typically spend several weeks doing review work at the beginning of a school year, because kids lose so much over the summer.  Your BFF's are going to be cruising in September, when everyone else is going to be having a hard time getting back in the groove.

  6. Your friend most definitely needs to practice Spanish outside of school. Other wise she won't retain any information.

    I have a lot of summer course work. :/ Wait until you get into high school you ALL have summer reading.

  7. Because it has been proven that you learn about 3 months worth of stuff over the summer and practice makes learning much easier.  Even teachers have to take renewal courses for education to make sure they are keeping up with things.
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