
Homework help for mom about fractions...?

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Trying to help my son with adding and subtracting fractions. I can't remember how to get the common demoninator. Example:1/8+4/6+7/10=? Can someone please explain it to me so that I can help him. Thanks




  1. well u first get the biggest denominator, which is ten, and then start counting its multiples "10, 20, 30...." untill u get a number which all three denominators are divisible by..which may take some time!

    or you can convert them into decimals and then add them and then re-change them into a fraction...I guess =(

  2. Find the lowest common denominator.

    in this case it is 120  

    8 x 15 = 120

    6 x 20 = 120*

    10 x 12 = 120

    Now convert your fractions

    15 x 1 = 15 (1/8)

    4 x 20 = 80  (4/6)

    12 x 7 = 84 (7/10)

    so 15/120 + 80/120 + 84/120

    *Remember also to simplify 1st ie 4/6 is 2/3

    (i didn't but would do that 1st on a math problem)

    1 59/120 is the simplification so this is correct nice JOB!

    Math teachers always want the simplified answer if the answer had been 180/120 then your simplified answer would have been (1st) 18/12 then 1  6/12  then further 1  1/2.

    This is just to clarify simplifying

  3. Hi,

    It's nice of you to help your son out,

    okay, heres how you do it (in a stepwise manner), I got a little to into the question and went on to solve it.

    You currently have the following fractions...


    _  _  _

    8  6  10

    if you multiply each of the denominators, the a common denominator can be found, (8* 6 *10 = 480)

    So, for this question, the a common denominator is 480.

    Now, the next step, is to change the fractions, so that they each have a denominator of 480. The trick is, number you multiply the denominator by, you have to multiply the numerator by, so you get...

    1 x 60    60

    --------- = ---

    8 x 60     480

    So you can do this to each of the other fractions to obtain...

    60       320     336

    ----   + ------ +  -----

    480     480      480

    So now, you add the numerators (60 +320 +336 = 716) and divide it by the common denominator...

    Thus, your answer is




    This can be simplified by dividing the numerator and denominator by 4 (remember, what you do to the top, you must do to the bottom)

    And you get...




    And your done! :)

    I hope this helped:)

    Good Luck

    (I know this working looked quite ugly, sorry)


    Yes you can simplify that answer further, by seeing how many times 120 goes into 179, the answer is one, and the remainder is 59/120.

    so you get

    1    59/120

    (not 1      59/100   by i assume you has a typo) :)

  4. First, finding the least common denominator (LCD)

    Express each number as a product of prime numbers:

    8 = 2x2x2    

    6 = 2x3    

    10 = 2x5

    As we can see, the largest number of 2's appearing in any of these products is 3. Therefore, the LCD must contain three 2's

    LCD = 2x2x2x.....

    Again, the largest number of 3's appearing in any product is 1. The LCD must contain one 3

    LCD = 2x2x2x3x...

    Again the largest number of 5's appearing in these products is 1. So the LCD must contain one 5

    LCD = 2x2x2x3x5 = 120

    Since there are no more prime factors in any of these products, we are done


    120/8 = 15,   so   1/8  =  (1x15) / (8x15)  =  15/120

    120/6 = 20,   so   4/6  =  (4x20) / (6x20)  =  80/120

    120/10 = 12, so  7/10  = (7x12) / (10x12) =  84/120


    1/8 + 4/6 + 7/10 = 15/120 + 80/120 + 84/120 = (15+80+84)/120 = 179/120

    P.S. A quick way to calculate a common denominator is to simply multiply all the denominators. Then you would get 8x6x10 = 480.

    The answer would then have been 716/480.

    You would then have simplified this fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by 4 giving 179/120, the same answer as above.

  5. The common denominator comes when all those numbers can be divided by a number without any decimal values ...........................8,6,10 can be divided by 120........................................ 3,4,8.can be divided by this means that the common denominator can be found by finding a number that all the numbers can be divided by without a decimal value..........................and can you please if you want select my answer as the best answer.....

  6. lcd is 120

    so 1/8+4/6+7/10= 15/120 + 80/120 + 84/120 =  (add numerators)

  7. 8 = 2 x 2 x 2

    6 = 2 x 3

    10 = 2 x 5


    The LCM of 8 , 6 , 10 is:

    2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5

    = 120

    1/8 + 4/6 + 7/10

    = (1 x 15)/(8 x 15) + (4 x 20)/(6 x 20) + (7 x 12)/(10 x 12)

    = 15/120 + 80/120 + 84/120

    = (15 + 80 + 84)/120

    = 179/120

    = 1 (179 - 120)/120

    = 1 59/120

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