
Homework question : You reach the South Pole and rest overnight. What's it like there.?

by  |  earlier

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i have no idea wat to say. please help :)




  1. is it summer or winter? if its summer, the sun will be up. if its winter then the sun will be down. there will be storms and snow fall, ice will be melting, animals coming together to mate and reproduce. it all depends on the season u r supposed 2 be there. but the one thing that will remain the same is that is will be very very cold

  2. cold

  3. Colder than a witch's teat.

  4. Karen is mostly right but there are no animals at the South Pole only human scientists.

    To give you an idea of how cold it is you could take a mug of boiling water out side and throw it into the air and the water would freeze instantly.

  5. You used the word 'overnight'; there night lasts 6 months. You rest that long.

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