
Homework questions, PLEASE HELP! im slow. lol?

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What does government mean to you?

What are three things you are willing to give up to make the government a better place?

What are three things you would not give up?




  1. Ok my dear friend, nothing is worth your freedom so you can not give the government anything but your money your time and your participation in voting. The government must never get too strong and anyone who gives up his or her rights so the government could be better does not deserve freedom. Never give up freedom, time nor effort to something that doesn't deserve it.  

  2. Spenncer, these are personal questions.  You need to ask yourself, "What freedoms am I willing to give up to keep me safe" and "What freedoms will I never give up"  You also have to consider what Govt means to YOU.  What it means to me or anyone else is irrelevant to your paper.

  3. Government means control to me. The Less the better. I don't think more government improves the quality of life of a country's citizens. Higher taxes keep the poor , well poor and government assistance is a complete joke ( welfare shouldn't be come a lifestyle) So the three things I am not willing to give up are my hard earned money so free loaders can stay at home in the government paid houses and eat free food, my basic human rights, and my freedom speech.

    The things I would give up , I suppose some taxes are important, such as paying for police officers and firefighters salary and helping improve your community but thats about it. I don't think anyone should have to give up anything in order for the government to improve. They should " be taking care of us" we should be taking care of them!

  4. to me the government means power and control

    i would give up nothing

    i wouldnt give up everything

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