
Homo/Bisexuality in the military? I need some advice.?

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I am deciding on whether I should go into the military I am bisexual with g*y tendencies I mean most people can figure out I am g*y after getting to know me. I really just want to serve the country and help protect my freedom. I know that you aren't allowed to join if your g*y but if i practiced up on my masculinity I could probably manage a very straight demeanor I just want to know what the people here think. Is it worth it or no? Any personal experience anything like that just need some advice thanks :).




  1. There are many homosexuals in the military ... don't ask , don't tell.

  2. Don't ask, don't tell.

  3. There are a lot of civilized well behaved me in the military, but there are alot of men who would love to beat up a homosexual, so dont do it!

  4. There's two sides to this.

    Yes join, Don't ask and Don't tell, be careful no one finds out, even if you didn't have the masculinity manners sometimes guys who don't have it aren't g*y just they are that way. So do it, play it out as a straight dude.

    No don't join, if you think you will have tendencies to let others know, do funny stuff and what not I recommend not to. Plus it'll be dangerous. Also don't expect more "rights" simply because you're g*y, it doesn't work out that way, you already have "rights" as an American, being g*y doesn't give you more of a right to not get discharged or kicked out or kicked around, etc. Also don't let jokes about "*******" get to you, you know how guys are.

    Be careful, go ahead and join.

    Good luck and keep to yourself.

  5. I would highly advise against going into the military.  People get very close and it is hard to hide anything.  

    You can find many other ways to serve your country.

    Consider VISTA or Peace Corp.

  6. hey dude, Im g*y as well, and im in the same position with you,, i really want to join the military. Im actually talking to a recruiter right now, and hopefully i can sign up ASAP. Pls. get a hold me, so i can see and hear your prospective. Im actuaaly looking for individuals out there that are in the same situation. Pls. get a hold of me for further info. FYI im thinking of Air Force.

  7. Yeah join, but stay out of buts, the good old sayin dont ask dont tell  

  8. "The militaries of the world have a variety of responses to g**s, lesbians and bisexuals. Most Western military forces have now removed policies excluding sexual minority members; of the 26 countries that participate militarily in NATO, more than 20 permit open lesbians, g**s, or bisexuals to serve; of the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, two (United Kingdom and France) do so. The other three generally do not: China bans g**s and lesbians outright, Russia excludes all g**s and lesbians during peacetime but allows some g*y men to serve in wartime, and the United States (Don't Ask, Don't Tell) technically permits g**s and lesbians to serve, but only in secrecy and celibacy. Israel is the only country in the middle east region that openly allows g**s and lesbians to serve in the military."

    Don't ask don't tell policy:

    "Don't ask, don't tell" is the common term for the U.S. military policy which implements Pub.L. 103-160 (10 U.S.C. § 654). Unless one of the numerous exceptions from 10 U.S.C. § 654(b) applies, the policy prohibits anyone who "demonstrate(s) a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts" from serving in the armed forces of the United States, because it "would create an unacceptable risk to the high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability." The act prohibits any homosexual or bisexual person from disclosing his or her sexual orientation, or from speaking about any homosexual relationships, including marriages or other familial attributes, while serving in the United States armed forces. "

    All i have to say, is if you are going to do it - goodluck to you. You deserve to be in the millitary and fight for your country like everyone else, your sexuality should not matter, i find that disgusting. However, it might sound easy to say you'll hide who you are, but it won't be. Think about everything before you do this, can you honestly pretend to be someone you are not without making yourself unhappy? Just think about it properly, but as i said - goodluck.

  9. Best advice [ seek life elsewhere ], no matter how good you are at hiding you will be found out, and if the wrong people find out first you could get hurt.


  10. I think it is very admirable that you want to join our service.  You know that there is a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy in our military so you are doing nothing wrong.  I am sure there are many guys just like you there.  I would try to act manly though.  God bless you.

  11. You can join you just can't be open about it. Nothing wrong with that right?

  12. You can try to fake it, but if you're not careful, they can find out.  Have a boyfriend and later break up, he can squawk on you, etc.  Not only can you be discharged, but lots of g*y folks get beaten up/killed by their so-called fellow soldiers.  And the don't ask/don't tell does not provide any protection because over 10,000 good people have been discharged since it went into effect.

  13. While I know people who have successfully lived this life, I would advise against it, what a horrible way to live to have to hide who you are 100% of the time. There are other ways to serve, Firefighting, Law enforcement, ect...

  14. I agree with what Miltary Wife said.  I served with a couple of guys who were g*y.  They were good Soldiers but they both declined to reenlist because they were tired of having hide who they were.  

    Furthermore, there are plenty of people in the service who take a dim view of homosexuality.  Were your orientation to be known there is a chance that someone might try to physically harm you.  Sad but true.

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