
Homo people....natures practical way of keeping population down?

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imagine if everyone was hetero....the worlds population would be unsustainable.




  1. Homosexuallity has been around since the dawn of time and the population is continued to grow.

  2. You're assuming that a population with openly g*y members has less of reproductive rate than one without openly g*y members.  

    1st theory:  This is my g*y uncle theory.  A genetic group with extra men (face it most of history & pre-history women had no choice about sexual preferences) might actually have a better chance of increasing in size because they have extra members to work/fight/etc.   That is g*y men are still contributing to the overall growth because they still contribute to the group, so more children survive to adulthood.  A g*y member of a tribe is still a contributing member to that tribe or group and since group behavior beyond simple mating is one of Man's strongest weapons, genetic material wins even with homosexuality as a minor trait.  

    2nd theory:  Before the invention of social security, capitalism, and all sorts of money and safety nets, the only old age plan in existence was children and for most of Man's time on earth chidren were cheap.  Those who are spitting them out typically can far out produce their parents abilities to feed them.  These extra kids often just end up dead, just as often they get farmed out to the widows and widowers who need an adopted son to feed them in their dotage.

    3rd theory:  As stated above, most g*y women have never had a choice and most would endure the s*x to get the reward of children, even if they were given the choice.  And as the Abrahamic religions have enshrined, extra women don't go to waste.  The typical nomadic life left most pastoral groups with a lack of men, their solution? just give every man a couple of extras.  The result is the same population rate, that is all that can be easily fed.

    Social security & consumer goods still the most rliable birth control in the world

  3. "Imagine" is the key word here. I "imagine" there are a few actual experts on world population trends that would be quite amused to hear such a theory.

  4. Lesbians are having babies by invitro and men. g*y men can still get women pregnant. I think the people unable to have kids keep the population down more.

  5. No. But there are ways that human population is kept in checked besides abortions , murders, death, etc. But even then this will not prevail.

  6. There's nothing about it that pertains to nature. It will keep the population down, however, because they can't reproduce and they bring about vile diseases - introducing them into the world.

    However, "overpopulation" is another liberal myth like global warming. There's plenty of room for everyone, and people should have as large of families as they can possibly afford.

  7. Obviously it hasn't kept the world population from skyrocketing, has it?

  8. I doubt that

  9. Perhaps. It would be hard to study, because of all of the confounding factors.

  10. Interesting concept.

  11. No. of homosexual persons in comparison to heterosexual are a minority. Homosexual behavior may hardly have any impact on population size. And  we should not forget that population size is determined by lot many factors. We can see many countries having negative growth like France which has achieved zero growth and than there are countries like India and China whose population is increasing exponentially. Can we conclude that most of the French population is of homosexuals? Though homosexuality must be contributing to some extent in the overall pool of several other factors

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