
Homoeopathic doctors, is there any cure for leukodystrophy?

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my son has the problem of leukodystrophy. it has no cure in allopathic medicine. my first son died of this disease. and now my second son is its victim, though my daughters are all right.

his symptoms include

1. he can not see.

2. he has seizures.

3, he has twisted hands while his fingers are closed most of the times i.e make fist.

4. he is weak

5. he can listen to sounds.

6. his age is 4 years.

the main problem lies with my wife as she has a genetic defect which is not shown by her but she has transmitted the disease only to male children and not to female children.

plz any one can help, as i have lost my first son and cant afford to lose the second one.




  1. Pphosphorus and calcaria carb., should help him a lot to start with.  For myeline sheaths, hypericum, aesthusa, aurum metalicum, plumbum, kali phos, secretin, are few of the medicines  worth looking into.  All medicines that helps in Lateral Sclerosis, arterio sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, locomotor ataxia,  in homeo and specifically said so in boericke materia medica should be of value here.   Single medicines cannot be specific to the conditions in pseudo muscular dystrophes and other kinds of dystrophe, phosphorus have been found showing improvement and in hypotonic conditions.  In clonic conditions, homeo medicines with benzene have been giving some results.

              For Epilepsy  the following medicines will be useful and one of these medicines may help other conditions.  According to the symptoms a good homeo doctor may be able to help with the child, though a difficult task.

    abisinthium., aethusa, agaricus, amonium bromide, amylium nit.Arg.nit. Arsenicum album.,Asteria Rub., Atropia, Avena Sat., Aurum met., Belladonna, Borax, Bufo, Calcaria Carb., Calcaria Ars., Calcaria Phos, Camphor, Cannabis Indica, Causticum, Cicuta mac., Cicuta Virosa., Cocculus, Conium, cuprum acetate, cuprum met., Ferrum Cy. Ferrum Phos., Gelsemium, Glonoinum, Hepar,Hydroc.acid.,Hyociamus, Ignitia, Illic., Indigo., Irid., Kali Bromide., Kali Cy. Kali Mur., Kali Phos., Lachesis., Mag.Carb., Mag Phos., Meli., Methyl Bl. Nitric Acid., Natrum Mur., Opium, Passiflora, Phosphorus., Picrot, Plumbum met., Psorinum., Solanim ***, Santonium., Sec.,Silicea, solan.,stramonium, strychnum.,sulfur, sumbul., Tarentula H., Tuberculinum, valerinum., verbascum, viscum., Zincum met, Zincum Phos, Zincum valerianum., Zinia.

    If  the eyes are affected due to sclerotic degeneration the following remedies will be of value:

    Aurum., Baryta Muriaticum., Plumbum met.,


      hope this helps

  2. Homeopathic medicines will not help at all.  See the previous explanation of it for why.

  3. Homeopathy will not help. the vary ideology of the field runs contrary to everything we know about biochemistry. what a homeopath does is look at the symptoms, finds a chemical that causes the same symptom, and dilutes that chemical in water to the point where the chemical isn't even present in the solution.they claim that the water some how "remembers" but they have yet to demonstrate scientifically how, and besides the body reacts to real chemicals not imaginary ones, and there is no scientific reason why the solution would have the exact opposite effect of the chemical originally diluted. the only thing you will get from homeopathy is false hope and a loss of money in the process, it's loose loose.

    source for more info

  4. Sadly, you are very correct. Leukodystrophy cannot be cured. Treatment options may include bone marrow transplants (research is still ongoing for this form of treatment) and dietary modifications, such as eating a strict low fat diet. I honestly wish that cure is possible. There is but one think I like to bring to your attention.

    The inheritance problem in your family appears to be X - linked.

    Which means the abnormal gene is carried on the X-chromosome contributed by the mother. This gene is involved in determining the baby’s s*x. Boys and girls are affected differently. Each daughter has a 50 per cent chance of inheriting the abnormal gene and becoming a carrier, while each son has a 50 per cent chance of developing leukodystrophy.

    I know a family with the same problem and they tried third time for healthy boy. They got lucky. Nonetheless it is a lottery.

    And please let the docs to investigate your daughters for the possible wrong gene.

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