
Homosexuality and Religion: Do they mix?

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Homosexuality and religion: Do they mix?

I hope nobody gets offended. That is not my goal. I just keep seeing questions about homosexuality and people keep saying negative things about it. It pisses me off.

I consider my self to be spiritual. Anyways, I am wondering why do people who are religious (at least the majority) feel that g*y people should go to h**l. Do you believe that people should not be g*y or aren't g*y? What are your thoughts.

I believe that people are born g*y. You can't just wake up one day and decide to be g*y because you want to do away with the opposite s*x. Sorry but that's my personal opinion.

Basically in other words, why do religious people feel that they need to delve into topics they basically know nothing about, such as homosexuality? Let it be and let it go.

I just can't wait until some of you religious fanatics have children and some of them are homosexual. Are you going to disown them or what?

I'm not a devout Christian and I'm not religious. I am also not homosexual.




  1. im not really that religious and i think think g*y is not ok... its unatural, weird, and gross.

  2. Hi - thanks for your question.

    I am a g*y Christian (which some Christians will tell you is impossible).

    It really depends on the religion. But there are religions out there that are New Thought, open minded and welcoming & loving to all - religions that don't judge people.

    Yes, they can mix, quite well.

    As for the Bible - it's been translated and interpreted so many times. If we are to follow it literally, we couldn't live in our current society. Surely God expects us to grow and learn. Used metaphysically, or for its lessons, the Bible is a great resource. Unfortunately, people mis-interpret it all the time.

    Again - thanks for your question and thanks for your tolerance and understanding.  

  3. People are not born g*y, it's a result of human sin, lust. God wouldn't create someone in a way and then say it's not right. I give myself no titles, though I'd technically be considered a christian. I just hang out with God, know and trust Jesus, have a relationship, that's all. I don't care about g*y people being g*y or dwell on it or anything of the sort, religious people do that. Religious people know a religion, not Jesus and that's why they're screwy and judgemental and then say they're a "christian". Gayness is no worse than someone elses murdering or my own pride, it's all the same and no one is better or worse than anyone else. I mean yeah I think it's disgustingly revolting (not the person but what it actually IS) and I know it's not natural but that's about it. That's where it stops. I measured for new flooring for a g*y couple once and we got along just fine, they were very nice.  

  4. I was just about to ask this question (in some words.)

    I'm a Christian, and I do believe the Bible contains the difference between right and wrong, and I base my life off that. I refuse to believe that g*y people and lesbians are going to h**l though.

    (I'm also not homosexual.)

    I just refuse to believe that someone would go to h**l for being in love. And anyways, I have friends who are attracted to cartoon characters. We don't choose who we are attracted to, or who we fall in love with!

    I just can't look at a homosexual and think, 'yes, you deserve to burn in h**l for eternity because you love.'

    No, that is wrong. The God I grew up with is a loving God, and although it says homosexuality is wrong, I don't believe it.

    Love is love, no one deserves h**l for that.

  5. there are many close minded people out there who feel that being homosexual is bad because that's what they're told in the bible, and they can't think for themselves. religion nowadays is falling apart. there's even a jedi religion, and the other day in the paper, a church advertised a gambeling day at that church. gambeling is a sin. just believe what you want to believe and stand up for it. don't let others tell you what to think.

  6. My question would be "DO THEY HAVE TO BE EXCLUSIVE OF EACH OTHER?" (my answer of course, would be a resounding NO)  

  7. and that is one thing i HATE about christianity! i feel as you do...i believe ppl are born g*y...why should they go to h**l!? if they are good ppl leave them alone! you cant control who you fall in love with! its sad that some ppl are so close minded!

  8. well all the main world religions say its wrong, everyone on here has extreme opinons,it seems to attract those types, cause on the womens board, there are a load of women hating men constantly putting them down, and yet in real life, I dont seem to meet these men, maybe they just dont say anything in real life?

    I am bisexual and I am a Christian...the Bible makes two referecnes to being g*y not being desireable, but one is "and God gave them up to shameful affections"-now that could be could be a shamful affection for commiting adultery or paedophilia....and the other was by Apostle Paul, who says that men should not be g*y but dosent mention even those who follow it to a T should admit that technically, I wouldnt be doing anything wrong. But I dont like that aproach anyway, I think it gives rise to predjudice and extremeism, I  think everyne should listen who what they honestly believe it means, not what they "want" it to mean, but honest soul searching in all seriousness, but shouldnt be pressured in to things......I think God cares more about how we treat others than who we fall in love with, man or woman.

    Jesus himself did not touch on the topic. And bear in mind that at the time of writing, most places outlawed homosexuality (excpet the Romans, oddly enough) so you can expect to see it. The bit about s*x before marriage "keep the marriage bed pure" could mean dont commit adultery also, but there was a d**n good reason not to have s*x b4 marriage back then, no contraception, and women not doing much more than being housewives and collecting grain, would have starved to death had they not got a husband to provide for them and their kids.

  9. They mix like Tequila and Bathwater. Religion and reality mixes about the same way, for that matter.

    I'll stick to my Atheism and Humanity martinis. Besides, g*y parties are far more fun than amy church gathering anyway.

  10. As a Christian, I do not believe that all g*y people should or will go to h**l.  That said, homosexuality is a sin, according to the Bible.  But so is lying, hating, cheating, etc.  And who has never sinned?  Nobody but Jesus.  All of us would go to h**l if going to heaven was based on our "being good people."  Eternal life is based on faith in Jesus Christ as the son of God.  And ANYONE who believes that, no matter what sins they have committed, will go to heaven.

  11. It's not so much religion ... it's homosexuality and God ... actually anything sinful like incest , adultery , polygamy and other things has a quarrel with God ... sin and God do not mix for God is holy and righteous ... morality is not relative ... it is not an opinion ... it is absolute ... there is a black and a white ... also do not conform yourself to the world but yourself to the Bible ... be biblical ... follow God's footsteps

    There must be repentance

  12. this is just answering your question.

    not screamin "the power of christ compells you" or anything or not trying to convert you. but here is your answer.

    in the bible, god said that people who are homosexual are bad. thats just how it goes. he said they should be burned and etc and etc.

    the fuss about it is that people don't want to go against the word of their god so they don't want homosexuality.

    no one knows for sure if the whole "born g*y" thing is even true.

    if you don't think homosexuality is right the least you can do is give those people thier space.

    its none of your buisness if they are g*y or not.

    its thier life.

    you know?

    i can understand completly why you are confused.

    some christians are just a$$holes about the whole situation.

    like its also a COMANDMENT to treat someone like thy neighbor

    so why not just not care if they are g*y or not

    in the bible there are a lot of things that contradict each other so its kind of hard to say honestly.

  13. It depends on your beliefs, some Christians are jackasses and can't accept that g**s don't choose to be that way, and some Christians are g*y and believe that God doesn't care what orientation you are

  14. I believe, even though like you I am neither religious nor homosexual, that the two CAN mix. I've seen it done before. I also think that if there were such a person as "Jesus" or "God" or "Buddha" or "Allah" or whoever, who loved the people on earth, he/she/it would not care whether people were g*y or straight, as long as they cared for their fellow humans. I know some very kind g*y/L*****n people who are just as "pure" or virtuous as any straight Christian.

  15. Yes they mix, one doesn't allow the other...

    Sorry facts of life have nothing to do with how you feel about it.

  16. they´ll never get mixed,the bible states that homosexuality is evil and it´s condemned and satanized, however g*y christians are creating g*y churches somewhere,but yeah that´s true,most religious people think they must go to h**l and that´s stupid because it´s not their fault,it´s not the heterosexual people´s fault to be the way they are either but people has never understood different people because they´re affraid that they´ll invade them or something

    so religion won´t accept that but it doesn´t accept anything either, it practically satanizes everything,and even bans heterosexual s*x if it´s not done to have children

    i think that sexulity is not chosen and you´re born with factors that determine that,and as u grow up and as u go on having experiences and things you become straight,bi or g*y

    but it´s normal and it´s part of nature

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