
Homosexuality caused by demonic possession?

by Guest11062  |  earlier

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Does anyone really believe this nonsense?

"Promiscuity, as well as homosexuality and pornography, says 73 year-old Fr. Jeremy Davies, is a form of sexual perversion and can lead to demonic possession. Offering what may be an explanation for the explosion of homosexuality in recent years, Fr. Davies said, "Among the causes of homosexuality is a contagious demonic factor."

"Even heterosexual promiscuity is a perversion; and intercourse, which belongs in the sanctuary of married love, can become a pathway not only for disease but also for evil spirits."

Wait, do promiscuity and homosexuality lead to demonic possession, or are they caused by demonic possession? Or both?

He also said that Satan is responsible for having blinded most secular humanists to the "dehumanising effects of contraception and abortion and IVF, of homosexual 'marriages', of human cloning and the vivisection of human embryos in scientific research." Extreme secular humanism, "atheist scientism", is comparable to "rational satanism" and these are leading Europe into a dangerous state of apostasy. "Only by a genuine personal decision for Christ and the Church can someone separate himself from it."

Wow! "If I call Christianity silly, irrational, or delusional, I'm an intolerant, militant atheist; a prominent Catholic priest can say that secular humanism is on part with Satanism and demonic influence, but that's OK. People who are more worried about dismissive atheists than demonizing Christians shouldn’t be treated as much better than concern trolls."




  1. I don't agree with that nonsense at all.

  2. I think an insane few may, but that's it. Hopefully.

  3. What is this Davies guy smoking?!

  4. No that's not true at all Satan and his demons do not push anything on anyone. See

    Also homosexuality is not being pushed by Satan either. By his standards g*y is ok but nothing g*y or otherwise should ever be pushed on anyone. Satan is truly about sexual freedom but he wishes us to engage in safe s*x and also take as many precautions as passable. See for more information. Hope this clears so things up for you.

  5. This does not say that being a homosexual is wrong nor will we, but is true that once you start on that slippery slope, you will fall a lot faster than expected.

    And yes, placing yourself in situations that are Mortal Sins does place yourself closer to h**l and thus can lead to demonic possessions.

    An example would be people who practice "white magic", they say it's good magic and they're not demonic nor are they Satanists. But there are hundreds of thousands of stories about people who found themselves searching deeper and getting into black magic until they became part of the occult and didn't know how to get out.

    Many of those people will come out saying they had demonic possessions (and no, it's not always like "The Exorcist") and had to have an Catholic exorcist come to help them.

    Even Satanists recognize the power of the Eucharist and the power of the Exorcism rights.

    And yes, all things against God are of Satan. Sodomy is one of the four sins that cry out to God for vengeance, this means it is a much larger Mortal Sin than others and therefore brings that soul closer to eternal damnation in h**l. Satan wants this and will do anything to keep it, having the world agree that homosexuality is okay, natural and even *better* than heterosexuality is wonderful in Satan's eyes.

    Does this mean every homosexual person who does homosexual acts is therefore possessed? No, but it does mean that person is placing themselves in a position to become possessed.

  6. homosexuality is not caused by demonic possession. it is caused by a genetic mishap before birth. homosexuals are just like the rest of us.

    they are loving ,caring ,sensitive people who would not harm anyone any faster than a heterosexual would. they do not force themselves on people or on children. s*x before marriage does not cause demonic possession either. although both are condemned by the Christian church they are just considered to be immoral and nothing more.

  7. I'm afraid some people (Like Fireball226) do, it really is said.

  8. some do believe that and worse

    yet many are only concerned that they are allowed to promote these lies and similar bigotry, hatred and intolerance

    many people seem to defend any amount of stupidity and bigotry when it's priests but they don't like anyone who points out how wrong the bigotry/stupidity actually is

    edit: "homosexual" was coined in 1869 so it can't be a sin or in the bible

  9. Ooh... that's a zinger.

    I think my favorite part is the dehumanizing effects of IVF???

    Srsly? In vitro fertilization is dehumanizing to who? Me or the child that it creates? Or maybe my husband who has to put up with my cranky a** while I go through it. That might be a slightly correct assessment. I actually know where the IVF controversy is, it's what to do with any additional embryos. Which is why you can choose to only fertilize what you are going to implant. But fertilizing eggs in a lab is probably still Santanic. Oh, you just can't win. All those infertile Christians better just divorce. If you can't produce children, your marriage is ungodly after all.  

  10. these do not contradict each other:

    He says that homosexuality can lead to demonic possession and then says "Among the *causes* of homosexuality is a contagious demonic factor".

    The same is true of incest an non-incestuopus cjild molestation.  There is nothing contradictory or inaccurate in what the proest is saying, I'm surprised you are surprised.

  11. Don't watch TBN late at night, you might have nightmares.

  12. Babies! What a wonderful miracle!! I LOVE babies!! IVF, It sounds like such a great idea, in theory! wow!  It allows people to have babies that they could not conceive naturally for... whatever reason?

    Ah, but sometimes, maybe God did have a reason. I read about the tiniest baby last year. The baby was created through IVF. The mother had an undiagnosed problem with her cervix! She could NOT successfully carry a baby to a full term birth! * It actually endangered the baby's life! She had premature labor and could not carry the baby to term! !! Yikes! The baby was alive, but I don't know for how long!* I hope it survived! What a sad story!

    The doctor did not foresee this problem (with the woman's female parts,cervix.) I don't believe the Mom was aware of this issue! either. I can't find the link about the IVF part, darn it. I read it. I was very worried about IVF and God's plan. Maybe there could be more adoptions and less abortions? Why IVF? Why does it have to be your DNA?

    This baby was only 20 weeks along or so! Wow! Abortions are allowed until 12 weeks? Do you  know you can determine the s*x of that baby now? That abortion is a baby! "Babies can still be aborted for non-medical reasons at up to 24 weeks. Recent evidence shows that, of those born at 25 weeks, half of them manage to live." scroll down to the end of the webpage.

    *update below, yes, lives today, over one year later!

  13. Well, DUH!  you know that science is the devils lie ...right??

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