
Homosexuality in Germany?

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How is lesbianism/homosexuality viewed in Germany? Is it more easily acceptable among women or men? What problems do they face? Is there discrimination? Please post. Thanks.




  1. to 99% the homos not discriminate in germany. the governeur of Berlin is a homo and the leader of the Party FDP too.No one can see that they`re homo.I think it´s like in other countries.The people can easy to see who is homo but not ever who is L*****n.I like Mr.Westerwelle (the leader of the FDP).He do what he say,and speak what the most germans want.There´s to different parts. one is the sexuality and the other is his work for the party and so on.

  2. Never saw the pictures of the "Love Parade"?

  3. I do know from a gf that there are 14 different wordsin german for the different types of homosexuals.  I found that german preciseness interesting.  So they must be interested in the subject.

  4. The leader of Hamburg is a g*y Jew - another g*y was running in the latest election against him. The incumbent won - the Cologne g*y Pride parade is the biggest in the world ... but: the former Socialist-Green government introduced a g*y partnership law, so there is no g*y marriage in Germany. g*y couples cannot adopt children. g*y couples do not enjoy the same health care and pension benefits as straight couples. Hamburg is the only state in the nation that offers g*y couples the same pension and health care benefits as married couples. ( for state employees)

    In West Germany g*y life is pretty easy going but in eastern Germany there is a growing amount of violence against g**s. This is true for instance for Berlin and Rostock where there have been many hate crimes against g**s in the past. The European Union is sponsoring a project there to fight violence against g**s.

  5. There are no problems for homosexuals (g**s or lesbians alike) in Germany. Like in the US as well, there are always people who don't want to accept it, but the majority of Germans are very open-minded.

    More open-minded than most Americans, it sometimes appeared to me ;)

    Mooshammer (don't know if I spelled his name right, and I can't remember his first name), a famous designer who was killed a few years back was g*y too.

  6. i don't live there, so i don't know.

    yet i believe it should be allowed.

    and not discrimiated apon.

  7. Germany is an advanced country with a very European view on homosexuality. They have legal state run brothels.

    Marlene Dietrich well known bi actress

  8. quote Klaus Wowereit, mayor of Berlin:

    "Ich bin schwul, und das ist gut so."

    ("I am g*y, and that's alright.")

    Germany's biggest tabloid, the BILD-Zeitung, was about to start  a smuddling campaign against him when he ran for the post of mayor in Germany's capital, and this sentence has become legendary: He held a speech before the general assembly ("Abgeordnetenhaus") describing his politics, and he finished it with that. He got elected by a vast majority of the inhabitants of Berlin.

    Sure there is discrimination against homosexuals, but even in the small village where I live, homosexuality gets accepted as "just another way of life". Showing your sexual orientation openly might be considered provocative and insulting by some people; but as long as you don't do that, nobody will care. There are two taboos that will not be broken:

    Never ask anybody how much money he earns, and never ask anybody about his s*x life.


    > the former Socialist-Green government introduced a g*y partnership law, so there is no g*y marriage in Germany

    @Shlomo, you should mention that this law was a compromise between Red-Green and the Blacks who then held the majority in the "Bundesrat" and wouldn't have let the law pass if Red-Green wouldn't draw back as to something like a "registered partnership". The "protection of marriage and family" is part of the German constitution, so there would have had to be an amendment to it, which only is possible with a two-third majority in parliament. Which Red-Green didn't have.

  9. No.  There is no overt discrimination, and I know of at least 5 homosexuals/lesbians.  They all have nice in the USA..and everyone seems to know of their sexual orientation.

    Of course, the Neo-n***s are against homosexuals/lesbians, and it can be dangerous for them if they are found out.... but as long as they act 'normally' in public....they can mix in and go through life with no problems because of their skin color, (majority white here).

  10. You don't have to hide your homosexuality in Germany and it's also allowed to 'marry' (not with exactly the same rights as man & women but nearly) The mayor of Berlin is g*y and no one really cares...

  11. I live in a town with 60,000 people. even here we have many g**s. nobody care.

    in germany there is a large minority of muslims. they could make you a problem.

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