
Honda FCX fuel ?

by Guest66924  |  earlier

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yes i know its hydrogen... but where would this hydrogen come from? is the process of getting the hydrogen green? and if i was to buy the car where could i get the hydrogen from becuase i have never seen a hydrogen pump or anything anywhere?




  1. That's exactly the problem.

    The process of getting hydrogen is not green.  There are basically 2 methods:

    1) Electrolysis (running an electric current through water to seperate the hydrogen atoms).  This is theoretically a green way to get hydrogen, but it takes a ton more energy to break the atomic bonds than you get out by burning the hydrogen, so it's actually a waste of energy.  You'd be better off using that energy to power an electric car.

    2) Natural gas.  This process releases more CO2 than simply burning the natural gas as fuel, so there's no benefit.

    Even if we had a good source of hydrogen, there's no transportation or storage infrastructure. How are you going to refuel hydrogen cars when there are no refueling stations? Building such a refueling structure would cost billions of dollars, and who's going to pay for it?

    We may eventually find a way to get hydrogen in an environmentally friendly way.  And we may eventually build a refueling infrastructure.  But this is all decades away, and in the meantime we already have a better alternative in electric cars, whose infrastructure (the power grid) is already in-place.

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