
Honest answers only: will my sister be a future failure?

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1) She is in college

2) I have noticed other family members put her down: Grandmother feels she will fail school and is doing this because others do so, and her mother feels she can't live on her own.

3)She is 21

4)Can't drive yet

5)Never drank-ed

6) Major in school is Mechanical engineering, because she loves reading tech mags and has always wanted to build things like people who create robots and build cars and planes ect.

7)5th grade math level, she studies 30 min a day and claims she will for five hours a day....has not happen yet

8)worries a lot

9)Is very negative

10)grew up with no father, who seen her twice in search of her mother....and changed his number and address...yes moved so she can't find him, and at the age of 21 that still bothers her.

11)Goes out to the store, school amd book store and nowhere else.

12)Is overweight

Ok based on the above do you think she will make it in life? The whole family thinks she should work a normal job and drop out of school and get on meds, because they feel she is crazy...she is not just playful and her humor is um special.

But deep down I don't think she will finish college it seems impossible and that needs a high math level, no one taught her math because they felt she was stupid because she was mute most of her life because something did happen in the past.

Honest answers please.




  1. "Dranked"?  Your sister will make it.  You I'm worried about.

  2. wow. She needs counseling. She is heading off a cliff and everyone around her is either helping her jump or pushing her down.

          Could try group counseling or baby steps. But she needs to be more active. Part time job, maybe going out once and awhile to a bar?

          But this situation seems waaay out of my league and I strongly urge you to contact a psychologist or maybe even a school councilor.

  3. If this is your sister, she needs some support from all of you.  If people keep putting her down, she will fail.  What she needs is some positive people in her life.  I recommend you read Emotional Intelligence and try to help her if you care.  I know I'd help my sister if I had one.  

    Medication is hardly the answer.  Yoga helps a lot, especially Kundalini.  The thing is, she needs to commit to something, just put it in her head that she wants to do this, and succeed she will.  

    Just so you know, the most successful people are so because of their EQ, not their IQ.


    Yeah hon, get the book.  It will shed a lot of light on this for you.

  4. i will be honest, i don't know if she will be a failure. i had and still have alot of issues in my family but i'm not a failure and will never be a failure. if she takes the same attitude she will rise above all the negative and still shine. whether she is a failure or not is totally up to her.  

  5. She certainly doesn't seem to have the support of her family! Geez!

    God forbid she has a personality and interests of her own.

    She's negative because look at what you wrote. Could you imagine her seeing this? She'd be devastated!

    I don't think she is destined for failure. I hope she shows your family what she can do, and then never sees them again!

    Why is everyone so down on her? Do they want her to fail? Do you? This whole thing is awful, the way you guys are treating her. How would you feel if you found someone wrote this about you??

    You guys need to stop being so d**n cruel to her, and encourage her for once. She's not stupid - she's been abused by everyone she has ever known.  

  6. With all the nit picking and all the criticism from everyone around her I am surprised she hasn't gave up yet.  I think she would do a little better if everyone would stop belittling her and support what she is wanting to do.  She may not know what she wants to do, but that's okay.  Alot of people make mistakes, no one is perfect.

  7. It sounds like her biggest hang up is her family.  What a bunch of a holes.  Families are supposed to be supportive, not destructive.  It sounds like she may be depressed.  At this point her family should be doing all they can to help her rather than drag her down.  I think most would be depressed if their family listed every bad quality they had...especially her sister.  You should be the one standing by her side through thick and thin.

  8. What the fck? Does your family share a single brain? Sounds like the green eyed monster has possessed yall.

  9. If you and the rest of the family keep telling her she will fail, she will. Let her finish college. She may not be able to pursue mechanical engineering if her math skills aren't that great, but I'm sure she can find something else to do. At 21, she should move out on her own and leave all of you pessimists behind.

    She is probably suffering from depression and may need to be on some meds. And being overweight does not mean that she will be a failure. It means that she's dealing with the emotional stress of being called a failure by overeating. You and your family should be nicer to her, especially if she has a troubled past. Some therapy would do her some good, too.

  10. I was told all of my life that I retarded, fat and ugly. I barely  graduated high school. I would not quit even though I knew what I was. I eventually foyund out I have an IQ of 137 (that is high, but not geneus) I married had and raised 3 children. I worked weekends in a bar and paied my way thru nursing school with my husband and family telling me I was to stupid to finnsh. I graduated was in the top 1/4 of my class. Was in the top 10% in the state on nursing boadrs, and the top 25% in the nation. If I could do it anyone can do it. Don't count your sister out.

  11. honestly even with all the negative things you listed about her... I still believe that there is really no telling what the future holds for a person, since you seem to notice people put her down it would be nice for her to have someone to tell her she isn't a failure you know? someone to give her the desire to improve herself. and the word failure can constitute many different definitions, a person who is a failure never even tried to improve they're lives, she is going to college, what does that tell you?  

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