
Honest answers pls?

by Guest56692  |  earlier

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please please answer this question with total honesty what are the good places to live in nz that have beautiful weather for kids low gang problems and ok prices to buy or rent houses and a bit of fun and laughter thanks a million to anyone who answers this honestly




  1. Coromandel Penn and  Waihi - lovely people, no gangs to speak of - beautiful scenery, good for the kiddies. I dont think itll be the gangs you have problems with though - itll be our services - Banks are very suspicious here with the exclusion of TSB, HSBC and Kiwibank. Do not use ANZ or Westpac unless you want the unhappiest banking experience you will ever undergo - they will treat you llike a criminal if you try to take out more than $NZ5000 - in anyones currency this is a pitiful amount however according to these banks - you must be a terrorist to have that kind of cash if you are new or residing in NZ. Go to Aussie although we desperately need foreign relocation here.

    Christchurch is the home of New Zealands National Front - (White Power) and it has other gangs there as well - I figured the guy below must walk around with their eyes closed. Its not a good scene.

  2. Hi, I have previously responded with lots of thumbs down however will try again. I have visited many areas of  NZ and have many friends who have moved here due to the increasing violence and high costs of living. I write this as a concern for your family. The best place to move to is Australia especially Queensland, South Australia, and New South Wales. Like all countries we do have gang issues but not like most. Our country is loved by many Irish and other international families due to the high standard of lifestyle for families. Please do not think I am against NZ but am taking this info from many ex NZ and staying there. Once again good luck.

  3. i would say Tauanga or mount maunganui for the best weather and beach lifestyle but the cost of buying a hose there is very high compared to imcome in the area.the population is around 130k  has reasonable shopping unless you are after specialised items you can get pretty much everything there.public transport (buses) are slowly getting better but still not that great compared to other cities i've been.

  4. To be honest, there are gangs throughout New Zealand but they do not affect people in their day -to- day lives.

    However, some towns are completely gang free.

    Some that I know of are Cambridge, Omaru, Invercargill (the weather there is freezing though!).

    Nelson is really nice but I'm not too sure about the gang situation. I have never heard of any gangs there.

    Likewise with Paraparaumu on the Kapiti Coast. The weather there isn't too bad although it can get a bit wet and chilly at times.

    Oh yeah! I almost forgot. Have lock North in Hawkes Bay has NO gangs and has great weather and is a nice little town (about 15 000 people). It has kind of a village feel.

    However Havelock is right next to Hastings which does have gangs as well as Napier which is a 20 minute drive. All 3 towns are really nice though regardless of gangs!

    Thanks for the question :)

  5. the kapiti coast is awesome and great for kids. its like 5 minutes away from the beach and has a really nice community!

  6. I have lived in Te Anau , a small town in Southland for 6 years (we left because of the weather and the size of the place)

    Whakatane in the Bay of plenty for 10 years. absolutely stunning weather there, one of the best climates in NZ


    then christchurch in the south island presently for the last 7 years i have never ever in all my time thought about, or encountered gang problems, i know they must exist as every country has its problems but i have never ever felt any sort of threat to my personal safety in NZ

    so to concentrate more on the weather, fun and ok house pricing i would consider Nelson, top of the south island, wonderful climate, consistently has the most sunshine hours in the whole of NZ. theres a lot to do there for kids and its nestled in a real hub of places to visit - abel tasman national park is just 1 hours drive away, as is picton and the marlborough sounds. the population is about 45,000

    Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty is another city with a great climate it has a population of 100,000+

    maybe somewhere in the coromandel or northland?

    check out

    to get an idea of house prices all over NZ

    other useful websites to look at might be the statistics NZ and census details

    these give facts and figures on populations and dwellings throughout NZ so might help give you an overall idea

    also this link

    gives you the crime statistics for each region in NZ

    canterbury and waitemata have the lowest recorded numbers of crime per 10,000 of the population

    hope this helps. but honestly the most important thing to remember (despite recent occurrences that suggest otherwise) NZ is still a very safe nation on an international scale

  7. Anywhere is the region of Auckland is out, its full of gangs and violence.

    I live in Christchurch (West Melton, 20 mins from city centre on a rural farm). Christchurch is a really nice city, I couldnt imagine living anywhere else in NZ. The main problems Christchurch has is in the close outskirts of the city, and often at night. It has been rated as the most dangerous night city in NZ, but I dont go out at night, so it dosent bother me. I'v lived there for 5 years and not one bad or partly bad thing has heppened to me. Its not like Auckland with gangs and that though, mainly boy racers, which is being stopped rapidly. You can also get cheap houses and theres lots to do.

    Another nice place is Queenstown. Its cold in winter (as is Christchurch) and warm in summer. I havnt lived there, but its so nice to visit. Its not a city, but its a pretty big town. Its quiet and has the ski feilds, and loads of oppotinity for adventure. Only theres only 3 primary schools and 1 high school. Arrowtown is half an hour form Queenstown, and its small but really quaint.

    The problem with queenstown is that you would not buy a house for under $900 000. They mainly go between $100 000 000 and $500 000 000.

    You could also try invercargil, Iv only been there once, but its was quiet, O'm not sure about the voilence.

    I would stay away from The North Island, it mainly has all the violence. But remember, all places in the world will have some sort of 'violence problem'.

    P.S tagging is big everywhere is NZ.

  8. Wahieke Island

  9. Auckland.
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