
Honest evolution question?

by Guest10763  |  earlier

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Do people who believe in evolution, believe you and me, evolved from apes? I heard only micro-evolution has factual basis, beyond a huge doubt and macro-evolution is merely a hypothesis that cannot be proven. Is this true?

Lastly i heard the statement that only Neanderthal men evolved from apes, and we did not evolve from Neanderthals, and Neanderthals are no extinct. Please verify my statements and tell me if they are true.

*I am asking this question, because i dont know. So do not lash out on me for knowing a lack of details, for that is why i am asking the question.




  1. Biologists and physical anthropologists don't believe that people evolved from apes.  They believe that apes and men evolved from earlier ape-like species.  The more human-like ancestors of man are referred to as hominids.       Homo erectus, Homo habilis, and Homo ergaster are just three hominids.

    The physical evidence backing up the biological theory of evolution is immense.  Bible-beating Christians who believe that God created all species in their current form about six thousand years ago are aggressively superstitious ignoramuses.

    Harleigh Kyson Jr.

  2. That is an honestly confused question!!!

    Go here. I am tired from typing all the responses to the creationist F***** that think it is fun to bait their betters in biology. Try to learn.

  3. the theory of evolution

    posits that all life

    shares a common ancestry

    in other words

    all living creatures

    upon the earth are family

    the major point of contention

    between christianity and science

    is merely one of mechanism

    christianity refuses to look

    at the evidence we find

    at our feet before our very eyes

    to whit: fossils

    and more modernly

    dna research

    the ethics of christianity

    are not in contention

    while considering evolution

    as a theory

    why do many christians

    not all, but many

    require divine sanction

    for moral behavior?

    i want to be good

    to my fellow man

    because i love people

    not out of fear

    i believe in christian ethics

    especially love my fellow man

    including my enemies

    which is the hardest

    thing christ asked us to do

    and i don't think this makes

    the the theory of evolution

    incompatible with my beliefs

  4. Actually, they've now discovered we are closer to Bonobos than even Chimps.

  5. 1) yes and no

    2) yes

    3) Neandrathals were proven wrong, somebody took a monkey's head and a human's jaw and filed it down to fit.

    Some Evolutionist say that we evolved from monkeys and the simularities are about 95%.  That is still a difference of billions of nucleotides, which a change of any 3 nucleotides is fatal to a living being.

    God spoke everything into existance like he says, or nothing exploded into everything we see today...

    Universe comes from 2 latin words -

    UNI - means ONE


    Maybe God did speak everything into existence...

  6. I don't know where you're getting your information from but someone's giving you wrong ideas. Evolution has posited and proven that we are related to other hominids, with gorillas and chimpanzees being closest. We branched off from a common ancestor millions of years ago. There have been many types of human ancestors, although there is a controversy about Neandrethals' place in the family tree.

    Evolution is based on scientific research and not on belief, while faith is based soley on belief. They are not mutually exclusive as I'm sure you'll find out.

  7. What other explanation could there be, other than one based on the laws of physics, biology, and evolution (Adaptive changes), which govern our universe?

    Never has there been any intervention that has been scientifically documented, coming from a "Creator" of this universe, or any other visible forces originating from outside of it, if in fact this universe was intentionally created, and did not arise from a series of accidental events...

  8. We are apes, so yes we evolved from them.  But what people tend to argue about has to do with other current apes.  We did not evolve from the apes that are currently on the planet but share a common ancestor with these other apes.  If you take a college level anthropology class they will say that evolution is fact.  It is a theory but a theory with support. This is something you really need to study to understand though.  That is why you will probably not get good answers on here.  Everyone has an opinion but not everyone has actually studied the science.


  10. The information is...EVERYWHERE !

    If you're really interested, you can inform yourself.

    You always have the option to take the opinion of those with the common fundamentalist religious view or a view from other people who also don't have any idea what they're talking about.

    Your choice.

    How you choose to inform yourself is still, we hope, a personal choice.

  11. It seems like every day this question is asked. We DID NOT EVOLVE from apes. We evolved along the same line as the chimpanzees. We have 23 chromosomes in our biological make up, they have 24. The closest of any ape group but, we cannot cross.

  12. .As regards evolution, there are no facts. All is conjecture, guesswork, and even downright lies. They have had a couple of hundred years to get their evidence together and still no further forward. And, to believe that it all started by an accident is just nonsensical.

  13. As stated earlier, evolution is a scientific theory based on and modified by scientific study.  It is considered a theory simply because it is still being modified and studied, and as we learn more we change how we think about evolution.  It is not a belief system that is out to prove that there is no god or something.  The reason that we have overwelming proof of micro-evolution is because microscopic organism have a VERY short lifespan, and mutation - which is what evolution is in essence -  takes GENERATIONS.  The theory of evolution has only been with us for just over a century, and has only been SERIOUSLY studied for a couple of generations (human generations that is) and so in that short ammount of time, it is near impossible to see human evolution in progress, and even if we did observe it, it would look more like a cancer, mutation, or disorder, and more than likely we would "cure" it with gene theapy.  The best facts and evidence we have for Human evolution are all of the different fossils and remains of our ancestors and evolution relatives in the human tree - or bush.  These include all of the other hominids, primates and all of the gaps and questions along the way.  It is good that you are asking this as a sincere question and hopefully approaching this with an open mind.  Regardless of what a religous leader says, remember that the christian god is said to give free will, and this means the ability to think, judge, and most of all REASON.

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