
Honest opinion of this portfolio. ?

by Guest63491  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I keep thinking of the word obtuse...

Serious, constructive criticism please.




  1. the site looks kinda dull not the portfolio

  2. I think its a pretty good portfolio, the coding is good but its not W3 valid. You may want to correct any invalid code you use at, valid coding makes your site look more professional.

    I think the layout is quite good, its efficient, loads fast and is easy to read, the colours are also pretty easy on the eyes which is good, however I couldn't help but feel the whole thing seems quite plain. Some more graphics might spice things up but remember this will add to bandwidth consumption and will also increase page loading time.

    The whole website has a strange resolution as well, I have scroll bars but there is nothing to scroll to- instead of using fixed widths and heights, use width:100% and height:auto.

    So, to sum it up, the homepage seems a bit plain and you might want to validate your site and fix up on some of the coding, but apart from that, the rest of the site is very efficient and gets to the point, but I personally believe (looking at some of your other designs) that you can improve it, give the user more to look at.

    Hope I helped.

  3. Well, I definitely don't see it as dull.  I have a bias for straightforward, to-the-point design.  I see yours as more elegant than plain.  But I understand rabidstaples point: it could be even better with a little more of, say, what you did with the Persona site.

    I can't comment so much on the web stuff because I don't know enough.  But I think your graphic design looks really good -- sharp,  nice balance, clear, really good color, exciting without taking over the product (or whatever I'm supposed to call it!)  I'm a painter, not a graphic designer, so I might not be using the proper words, but hopefully you know what I mean.

    I saw a couple of mistakes in in the bio.  In the first paragraph, it seems "software" should be followed by "programs."

    "My studies" should be replaced with "I've studied at."  ("My studies" implies specific subjects, not the universities you've studied at.)

    Also, under "Education," I don't think you should repeat "California State University of Long Beach" four times.  Why not just list it once and then have bullets for what you studied there?

    Overall I think it looks good.

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