
Honest oppinion for a marriage propsal.....?

by  |  earlier

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I just answered a question about proposal and I got a thumbs down. I thought my proposal idea was pretty neat and my g/f told me she loved it...but now....I wonder....?

So honest oppinion guys, cute move or tacky fumble .....

I met my g/f at the airport after she returned home from a trip, and I pretended I had a stone in my shoe. So I got down on one knee handed her my shoe and asked my g/f to see if she could find it. I slipped the ring into my shoe as I took it off.




  1. Different. That's for sure. However, you must have thought that is was a good idea, or you wouldn't have done it. She must want to marry you, or she wouldn't have said yes. At the end of the day, having the approval of Joe Stranger on the internet should have no  bearing on your proposal, engagement, wedding or any other part of your personal life. It's a unique story. Thumbs up or down...who really cares.....right!

  2. Aww..that's a great idea!

    I would have never thought of that!

  3. At first, I'm not sure if I liked this idea.. but after 10 seconds I thought.. omg she must have been so shocked!  This is a very unique wonderful surprise.  Any other way, she probably would have known.. this was definitely a fun way, and something that you two can talk about too! :)

  4. I really think thats such an original idea. It has a funny side to it. At least you can look back at the proposal and laugh. It's not the boring old restaurant scenario. So good on ya for thinking distinctively. It honestly made me laugh. If my partner did that i'd be in stiches but happily say yes with a genuine smile.

  5. Hmmm....sounds a little cheesy to me but a proposal is supposed to be very personal to that person & that r'ship.  Everyone is different!

  6. Sorry.. the first thing that comes to mind is eww! stinky feet...

    haha, sorry!

  7. I'm sorry but i thank it's kinda weird. sorry again

  8. Seems kinda weird to me. I would prefer for someone to just ask me - without the shoe involved, and certainly not at the airport. But that's just me.

  9. awww lol that's inventive and a cool idea. as long as your gf said yes that's all that matters and she likes it, you don't need to impress anyone else and congratz by the way. =)

  10. its a cute idea but i would be kinda confused as to why you want me to look for the rock in your shoe.

  11. it's cute but a little strange but all that matters is that your gf liked it. It is something special between the two of you

  12. Sorry, i don't think that this was a good idea. It doesn't really sound romantic. But as long as your girlfriend likes it...i guess that's the main thing.

  13. I think it's cute!  It shows you took the time to be creative.  Glad your feet weren't stinky.  :-)

  14. As long as your missus thought it was cool/sweet, who cares what anyone else thinks!

  15. I think that is a cute idea. (Hopefully you made sure the shoes weren't stinky.) It shows that you put time and effort into doing something original for your girlfriend.  That's what should matter the most.

  16. I love it - very cute!

  17. Umm well it was unique to say the least but in your shoe dang bro not the best place. I would of had it in my coat pocket and have it causaly fall out when she picks it up have her open it. But it was a nice thing just mabye not the best location for her ring now her finger smells like feet (ONLY KIDDING)

  18. That is a great idea, and it would definitely be a big surprise

  19. It's a really cute idea but I can see people being put off by the idea of the ring being put in your shoe. But the only opinion that really matters, is that of your gf and she seems to have loved it, so it was a great idea.

  20. I think that's adorable.  

    Well done.

    And she said YES!


  21. I'm betting she loved it because it reflected your personality and she loves you!


    She said yes, right!?

  22. yeah, i agree.... i wouldnt want to hold and touch your stinky shoe

  23. tacky fumble.

    Is your girlfriend really ready for the question? If she is you have to come up with an idea to make it romantic not a blooming stone in your shoe. It doesn't even have to be expensive. Our son in law sent our daughter on a treasure hunt when he took her out on a picnic and at the end of the clues she found a teddy bear holding an engagement ring.

    Our son booked tickets on a vintage train ride and proposed on the return trip after a formal dinner and play.

    It doesn't matter what you do when you propose as long as it shows you really put some thought into it. The old so do you want to get married or what just doesn't work.

  24. Sorry but I don't like it.  If you handed me your shoe to look for something in it I'd probably be wondering why you didn't look yourself.  But hey it's a nice thought.

  25. i think it is is something special for your guys

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