
Honest question: Why have psychics not used their powers and located bin Laden or Madeleine McCann?

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I'm trying to be more careful in how I ask this one, since I offended some with a prior question. Hopefully this is okay.

If you hold yourself out as having paranormal abilities, why have you not located either of these individuals? The world is interested in tracking down each of the.

Would this not be within the ability of a psychic? Do you just not feel like it?




  1. yeah, psychics are frauds.  what's that old question to ask a pretend psychic?  "What were you doing Sept 10th?"

  2. Don't be afraid of asking tough questions.When people claim to have superpowers.They should be ready to answer them.By the way the answer to you're question.There's no such thing as psychics.

  3. This question, tragically enough, is of current relevance because of the coal mining disaster as well. They had no idea where those miners could be. Think if psychics actually did exist and they helped in the rescue by working together to predict the location of the miners. The rescuers would have drilled in the right place the first time (certainly the 2nd time if not) and possibly saved those guys. Heck, even if psychics only sink 50% of their free throws, it would have been better than drilling without any idea at all. Sometimes I wish psychics actually did exist.

    By the way, your question is entirely appropriate to ask. It needs to be asked anytime people claim belief in remote viewing, clairvoyance, or other psychic powers. If someone gets offended, let them. Maybe they'll start thinking.

  4. The answer is that they probably have tried...obviously, so far, without success.

    When I was young our cat went missing for several days. Without batting an eyelid my mother pulled out one of the hairs on her head, tied it to her wedding ring and then, using it as a pendulum, let it rotate over a map of the local area she had drawn. Within a few minutes she told me to search in a very specific area about a mile from the house. There was the cat! Simple as that. For a time I actually thought that was the method all missing objects, animals or even people were found. Anyway, it happens and I am quite sure that various agencies are using various ways to track their quarry. Of course it is an inexact science - there are, it seems, a vast amount of variables that most of us cannot control and it is therefore difficult (though not impossible) to "tune in" successfully.   Possibly there are some people reading this thread who would be willing to give it a try as getting Bin Laden would, no doubt, be a good idea!

  5. Psychic ability only works in hindsight.

    I'll give you a good psychic attempt at finding bin Laden:  I see sand, or mountains.  Beards and guns.  It's really hot, but then cold.  Lots of walking...blah, blah, blah.

  6. you ask a good q. not everyone believes in mediums and such but many people claim to be one with the "spirits" so why is it they can't seem to get a line on bin laden? personally, i've no idea but i'd like the answer as well.

  7. Powers misused (used for selfish purpose) are lost.

  8. In regards to the Michael Jordan analogy:

    The chance of throwing a ball completely random up in the air, and having it land in a basket, is very small, say 1 in 100.  Michael Jordan has done something phenomenal by reducing the odds of getting a ball in a basket to more than 50% over his career.

    The chance of getting a yes/no answer right by complete random guess is 50/50.  These psychics who achieve near that are just making educated guesses.  

    Everybody wants to be special.  Its human nature.  Psychics delude themselves into thinking they have priviledged information in order to make their lives livable.

    It doesn't mean I should have to listen to them.

  9. this shows that they are fake, Fake and really fake

  10. Are you aware of whether or not any psychics have provided this information to the US military or the British police?

    So, you don't know that this hasn't been done by a psychic.

    Ever heard of the Remote Viewing program used by the US Military that was deemed a statistical success by outside analysis that was closed because Jessica Utts said we didn't need to spend any more money to see if it worked it's reality was already established?

    I would think any information would be kept quiet until the conclusion of an on going investigation. As for Bin Laden President Bush has publicly announced that he does not consider finding him a priority so even with reliable traditional intelligence in hand our government is unlikely to move on the information.

    You seem to lack an understanding that psychic abilities are human abilities and those abilities can be off (Michael Jordan didn't hit the basket with every shot) and the best psychics will not be 100% acurate 100% of the time. Those that claim to be are probably frauds as many experiments have never held this to be true.

    I can see why people are offended by your type of questions since you casually accuse someone that might have abilities of being so cold and uncaring as to not want to bring a murdering terrorist to justice or help people find their missing child. I'm sure your parents are very proud.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

    Edit: You are correct Michael Jordan did make the basket most of the time, perhaps the greatest player of all time had an overall shooting average for his career of around 51%.  So a psychic Michael Jordan would be right a little over half of the time.  Yet skeptics (not all) demand 100% for evidence of such abilities.

    By comparison a group of Juliard students scored 50% and 75% hit rates on the Ganzfeld ESP test. The average for unselected subjects is 33% and chance is 25%.

    I, you, and everyone else can learn to play music but I probably won't be the next Mozart so why couldn't people have different levels of psychic abilities?

    I do agree that claims after the fact are meaningless and a premonition registry was set up for a time so people could record their predictions and such and be on record. I don't think there is a current one but I will look into it.

    I found two the links are below.

  11. I think it's because for some events there is like a psychoenergetic vibrational frequency field surrounding it which absorbs neural waves from psychics and keeps them from seeing clearly. It's not something psychics can control and its just part of the mystery of the universe. Major events are usually strongly affected by this frequency field and so they are hard to predict.

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